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"We'll be going now," Jerald muttered, grabbing Kayla by the hand and opening the car door simultaneously, "I trust you'll do the right thing, bro."

I nodded at him and watched, as the two of them got into the Porsche I had borrowed him, before driving off. I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling lonely as guilt threatened to swallow me whole. I had just accused Iris of wanting to sleep with my dad this morning—when I hadn't even told her who he was.

The argument we had that morning made me realize how untruthful I had been towards her. I'd promised to give her my trust, but there was still a part of me I hadn't noticed that didn't want to fully trust her, which made me withhold important information from her.

If anything, Iris was the sensible one between us. From what Kayla had informed me a few moments ago, Iris had managed to lure both her and Lynn to attend whatever meeting my dad wanted her to attend. She also told me how Iris had cursed at my Dad—telling him how much I mean to her and how much I satisfy her other urges(I felt my pride double in size when Kayla mentioned that).

In the middle of it all, however, Kayla also said something about Iris borrowing money from my dad, which quipped my curiosity. I wanted to know why she needed money so badly, to the extent of asking her CEO. Unfortunately, Kayla hadn't asked that part, which meant that I had to talk to Iris.

After having been an ass to her this morning, I wasn't sure if she wanted to meet me, but she'd said she still loves me before running away. I had to use that as my validation to ease the burning guilt inside my heart.

I was about to turn and get inside when my dad's car pulled up outside my gate. When the guards noticed his car, they immediately closed the gate, making me feel at ease from knowing they were finally doing a proper job.

I didn't want to meet with him when he part of the reason I was in this mess. He could go die in a river for all I care, I was tired of his little antics.

However, it seemed like the old man had something really important to say because when he realized he had no way inside my yard, he turned his car around and parked it in reverse, before climbing on top of the Rovers roof and jumping up the electric fence.

My heart hiccuped to my throat as I watched him float mid-air before landing on two feet like a cat. Thank god someone had cut off the electricity, otherwise he'd have been toast—literally.

He must have noticed it too, because Dad heaved a sigh of relief before turning to look at me. He took lengthy strides towards the verandah, not even bothering with how the guards tried to call him, and I grimaced.

I didn't want to talk to him, not yet.

As if Cinnamon heard what I was thinking, she came out of the house at full speed and charged at him. Now that managed to make Marcus turn on his heels and rush back to the gate.

"Cinnamon!" I called out and she stopped, "Come here."

She let out one last bark before returning as commanded and sitting next to me—just in case. My dad was now standing about five meters away from us, glaring at Cinnamon as if that would make her not bite. He tried taking a step closer and Cinnamon growled. She was feeling my pain for me.

God, I love my dog.

"Lucas, can we talk?" Marcus asked loudly, still keeping his distance.

"I don't have time for this," I replied, " so please leave."

I immediately tugged at Cinnamon's collar and was about to turn, when my Dad called out again.

"Wait. Luke!"

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