Meeting (Chapter 2)

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Tw: Swearing, body dysmorphic disorder, Eating disorder,

3rd Person Pov

Wilbur was woken up by the sound of the other kids running around and playing. He groans and gets out of bed taking out his earphones and turning on spotify before putting his phone on charge. He changes into a pair of black pants and a shirt before walking out of his room toward the bathroom. He finishes brushing his teeth and looks at the mirror and hell did he hate what he saw. He hated how his hair looked, he hated the way his face looked, the shape of his face, his ears, his nose and didn't even get started about what he saw when he looked at his body. He never understood why kids would call him skin and bones, he was obviously so out of shape and overweight because of what his foster family told him. 'You deserve to die', 'fat' 'overweight' 'useless' 'waste of space' 'no one wants you' 'it's your fault' 'ugl-' his thoughts were cut off by knocking on the bathroom door and he tenses, "Wilbur you in there?" It was Eret, it was only Eret, he was fine. "Y-yeah I'm in h-here" fuck he hated how he stuttered. Eret stayed quiet for a few seconds before saying "Ok just when you finish breakfast, come to me in my office" (idk y'all) "ok" that's all He said before he started to hear Eret walk away.

As much as Wilbur wanted Eret to stay since just them talking to him was able to calm down his thoughts, it didn't help how much he was shaking because of how much fear was building in him because he knew what Eret wanted to talk about. He didn't realise how long he was in the bathroom until there was loud banging on the door which startled him. "WILBUR HURRY UP, YOU HAVE BEEN IN THERE FOR SO LONG!" It was one of the younger kids but he didn't argue back with them and looked himself in the mirror last time and went to walk out of the bathroom. The kid shoots him a dirty look before pushing past him and into the bathroom and Wilbur doesn't protest and just goes to his room.

Wilbur goes into his room and sits on his bed, of course he doesn't like lying to Eret but just the thought of eating made him sick to his stomach and Eret knows this and always encourages him but he just can't bring himself to. Wilbur instead takes his phone off the charger and grabs his earphones right next to it, then opens Spotify and plays a random playlist.

Wilbur quietly listens to the playlist until hears the sound of plated beings being put away, dishes being washed, cabinets and doors being opened and closed, then he decides to go to Eret's office. He puts his things away before mentally preparing himself for all the lies he's gonna tell Eret. He begins to walk to Erets office but stops in front of the door. He looks down at the handle and takes a deep breath before pushing the door open.

He was met by Eret, she was sitting at her desk that had a small pile of papers. Wilbur went over to her awkwardly and stood in front of her and she just smiled. "Did you eat breakfast Wil" "Yes" oh how much guilt he felt made his stomach turn. Eret eyes him a bit knowing that he lied but kept on smiling at him deciding not to push the boy further.

"Anyways, I talked to Phil about the placement and it's all sorted, So we can go today or tomorrow, whatever works for you Wil" Wilbur was grateful that Eret was giving him a choice but that but didn't make his body feeling so anxious. as much as he knew that things weren't going to be any different from any of the other foster houses he's been to but the way that Eret talks about him just makes him more nervous. If he was anyone else he would be excited but he wasn't he was Wilbur. The times when he was placed in a house where the people who took him acted nice towards him they would only wait until he thought that they actually cared to just take it all away. "Tomorrow, we can go tomorrow if that's ok" Eret smiled and nodded. "Every well then that settles things" Wilbur only nodded at her before going to the door. "Eret" she turned her head towards to door to Wilbur "Yes?", he took a deep breath in and exhaled "Phil won't hurt me, right?" Eret smiled "Of course he wouldn't, he's one of the nicest people I know" Wilbur didn't believe it but nodded at her then went out of the office and back to his room.

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