First morning (Chapter 3)

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Tw: Technoblade, Swearing, eating disorder

3rd Person pov

*Flash back to the morning before Wilbur came*

The Watsons were having their normal morning routine with Phil in the kitchen, Tommy running around and Techno trying to make sure that Tommy doesn't break anything, nothing new. Techno had managed to grab Tommy and set him down at the table and he sat next to him. Phil massed them both a plate of toast, bacon and eggs and he sat with his son. Phil had never paid attention to the seat next to him and he never realised how empty it felt, like someone was supposed to sit in it.

Phil had told the boys that they were going to have a new foster brother but he didn't tell them when he was coming, so he decided to give them to them after they ate. They finished eating and Phil was going to tell them now. "Ok" he started and both of them looked over at him "You know how I told you that you're going to have a new brother?" they both nodded and phil continued "Well he's coming tonight", both of the boys froze. Tommy spoke first "TONIGHT, BUT WE HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED CLEANING HIS ROOM!" Techno agreed with him. "I know and I'm sorry, I just forgot to tell you guys and also I didn't tell you but his name is Wilbur". "You said he's coming tonight so we don't have time to waste so let's go do set up the room" Tommy grabbed Technoblades hand and dragged him upstairs.

Still 3rd person pov

*Present time*

Phil had woken up and he looked at the alarm clock on his nightstand, 8:30am it read and he got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

Phil walked down the stairs and saw techno on the couch watching t.v as usual and Phil sat down next to him. "Morning dad" "Good morning Tech". They were watching an anime but then techno spoke up "So when did Wilbur come last night?" Phil thought for a bit "It was around 1am when he came because of the traffic" still looking at the t.v.. "So" Phil looked at techno and he continued "Is there like anything we need to know about him" Phil thought back to when Eret and him were talking "Yeah, he doesn't talk to anyone other than Eret, he doesn't do well with loud noises and he's been in that system for most of his life and he gets overwhelmed easily" Techno nodded. They continued to watch t.v together but then Phil had gotten up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast, he decided to go with pancakes.

An hour had gone by and it was already 10am and this was the time that Tommy woke up. A few minutes later they hear stomping down the stairs along with his rambling about something and Xd was he loud. If it were any other day Phil would've let him be as loud as he wants but today was different because Wilbur was there.

"Morning Tommy and also could you keep your voice down, please?" Tommy looked at his Dad and frowned "WHY SHOULD I!". Phil looked over at techno and looked at tommy "It's because Wilbur in in his room and he might still be asleep'' Tommy gave a oh look and muttered a small sorry under his breath "And" Tommy turned his gaze back at Techno "Wilbur, he probably won't talk, he isn't the best around loud noises or yell and he gonna get overwhelmed so don't start asking him questions when you see him" Tommy gave a quick nod.

"So what does he look like?" Techno looked over and also interested "Well, he has bruttent hair, amber eyes, he's around techno's height, he will be 17 this year so he and techno are the same age and he wears glasses". Tommy blinked a bit then respond "Wilbur and Techno are like twins" Techno swang his head around "HEH, we are not" Tommy and phil laughed "Yes you guys actually kind of are, same age, almost the same height, you both had brown hair and you both wear glasses". "See, dad agrees with me!", Techno huffed and turned back to the t.v and Phil and Tommy laughed harder.

After a few minutes they all calmed down and Phil looked over to the clock on the wall, 10:45. He didn't realise how much time passed and the pancakes were long done. "You two go set up the table ok, I'm gonna go wake up Wilbur" They gave a thumbs up and Phil went up the stairs towards wilburs room. I knocked twice then entered knowing wilbur won't respond. When he went inside we saw Wilbur on the beanbag with earphones on , writing in his notebook then he looked around and saw how untouched the room was.

Wilburs POV

I woke up around 7am on the beanbag and my body ached like hell but I ignored it. I really didn't know what to do, maybe make some breakfast, yeah I'll do that, who would be awake at this time anyways. I was wrong, when I was going down the stairs, it was basically silent for how careful i was being trying not to make any sound scared about what would happen but when i got closer i heard the t.v on so someone was awake and thank God that it was dark because the would've saw him. I quietly went back to the room I was in and sat back on the bean bag. What could I do, all I can do is either avoid them or just wait until Phil wakes up and tells him to do shit, so I put my earphones in and start writing a new song in my notebook.

A couple hours later I heard knocking on the door but I didn't respond hoping they would just go away but they instead came in and it was phil. I prepared for him to start yelling but instead he spoke gently "Hey mate, breakfast is ready come eat". Eat?, he came to tell me to eat breakfast with them, oh "my other 2 boys are probably already eating and I made pancakes, is that ok" I nodded. They were actually asking me to eat with them. "Well then come on mate, the foods gonna get cold" I nodded again and hesitantly stood up and Phil started walking downstairs while I continued to keep a distance between us.

I saw 2 other boys sitting at the table, the older one with long pink hair and the younger one with short blonde hair. They both stopped talking about whatever they were talking about and turned to me and phil. "Your Wilbur right" the blonde boy asked and I nodded looking away slightly "Well Wilbur come sit next to me" he started patting at the seat next to him and smiled brightly. I walked over and hesitantly sat down. Fuck I hate how nice they were being cause those foster house were the worst, always acting nice and makings me feel love then taking it all away but why did this family seen so real, they seemed so happy, and the way they spoke felt so warm and welcoming. were they really different from the other places, I really just don't know anymore.

A/N: Woah another chapter done again. this isn't really written well cause I just feel like shit and I'm tired. Also I don't know when I'll be updating this because I'm starting school tomorrow and I just wanted to get this out so here you go. I don't really have much to say but let me know of any missed trigger warning, or grammar mistakes. I love you all bye♡

Words: 1285

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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