LB x reader ~ news

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i pulled up outside mine and lucy's new house. we had just moved in about a week ago.

we've had our eyes set on this house for a long time and we finally managed to buy it. we wanted to upgrade for a while as we're trying to increase our family.

her car was outside so she must have finished from training early.

today i went for my pregnancy scan and i've received some very exciting news.

i opened the door and as i stepped in i was lifted off the ground.

"hello you" i smiled as i saw lucy. i put my hands to her cheeks and pressed my lips against hers softly.

"how did it go today" she asked.

lucy wanted to come with me but she had training and i couldn't rearrange the appointment and she couldn't skip her training.

"it was great" i said with the hugest grin on my face.

"hmm something is definitely up. why are you so smiley" she laughed.

she put me down and we went to the living room.

we slumped down on our new sofa.

i opened the little envelope and showed her the sonogram.

"is that.." she looked at me in shock.

"two babies" i squealed.  "we're having twins"

"oh my god. that's amazing" her expression mirrored mine.

"your not playing with me right?" she asked.

"no luce why would i joke about this" i said.

"my god i love you so much" she said.

she hugged me tightly and then i heard her sniffle.

"luce are you okay" i said pulling back.

"yeah im fine" she said wiping her face.

"oh baby what's wrong" i asked, putting my hands to her cheeks.

"nothings wrong. these are happy tears. i'm so excited for these two babies" she said.

"good i got scared for a second" i joked.

"did you find out the genders" she asked.

"no i wanted that to be a surprise. did you want to know" i asked.

she shook her head. "it will be better as a surprise"

i lay back on the sofa and opened my legs so lucy could lay between them. she rested her head by my stomach and lifted up the bottom of my shirt.

she wrapped her arms around me and pressed her cheek against my stomach before leaving a gentle kiss there.

"lucy what are you doing" i giggled.

"im cuddling our babies" she said.

"it's a good thing we managed to get this house. if we're gonna have two mini bronzeys running around in here, we'll need all the space" i said.

"this is my dream" she said.

"what is? having twins?" i questioned.

"all of it. having this big house, playing football, marrying the love of my life, the love of my life bringing me twins, and planning our future" she said.

"you are my dream luce. you and our happy little family. i couldn't ask for anything more. i can't wait to be with you for the rest of my life" i said.

we eventually started planning how we want the room to be laid out. i looked online sand showed lucy the pictures that i like as inspiration.

"we can get anything you want darling" she said.

the next day we went out to buy some furniture.

we walked around ikea looking at all the different things we could buy.

we ended up buying 2 baby beds, dressers, wardrobes, some shelves and paint.

when we got home, we both got to work painting the walls.

i want to do all this before im not able to anymore later in my pregnancy.

i helped lucy bring everything out of the car and we unboxed some bits and started building each thing one by one.

i took a break to go make us both lunch and by the time i got back, lucy had finished building one bed.

"i must have been slowing you down luce. you did that very fast" i said.

she laughed and took half a sandwich from the plate in my hand.

lucy ended up building the rest of the things on her own while i sat and watched.

wordcount: 700

this was another request.
i didn't really know what to do with it so im sorry if its not as good you were expecting x

what do you think of the length of this.
do you guys prefer longer chapters or shorter ones x

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