Chapter 13: Dear Lord Lucifer

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I'm back in my room again. These four walls never seem to change. Their brown color and cracks leading up to the ceiling seem to make me feel wanted. That's my side of the room, at least. Buffy's side is much more put together and clean.

Her life was together more than mine could ever be. I don't understand it. How can one person's life be so clean and neat? It makes me wonder what her childhood was like. Was she always this way? Or was she one of the rare ones to leave a terrible situation?

I can only assume.

My bed was calling to me. I had lots of homework and a book report due, but I couldn't resist the sweet siren song that my bed had been singing. My feet led me to the bed on their own as if I was under a spell. I took my shoes off and slipped under the covers.

The usual hard mattress and thin blanket we're given were replaced with a fluffy core that allowed me to sink into the bed. Not long before I knew it, my eyes were shut, and I was asleep again.

"Is he asleep again?" A female voice whispered to Buffy as the two crept into the room.

"Yes, he seems to have a habit of sleeping a lot. Do you think it's because of stress?" Buffy asks her friend.

The friend only shrugs and walks over to Buffy's bed and takes her seat. She stares at Copia for a long period of time before Buffy brings her out of it.

"Silvee?" She whispers.

Silvee turns her attention back to her friend.


"Why are you just staring at him?" Buffy asked.

Her friend shrugged and looked back at Copia before speaking.

"I don't know. He reminds me of someone. And...seems familiar?" Silvee said with confusion littering her voice.

Both girls now look at the sleeping man in front of them. Who does he remind them of? Who even is Copia?

"Some of the other sisters have said they've seen his Emeritus eye." Silvee breaks the silence by whispering that.

Buffy remembers seeing his eye but never asks him about it or how he got it.

"Was he born with it like the others?" She continued.

"Possibly, I've never seen him until he moved in a few months ago." Buffy answered.

Silence fell over the two once more as they thought about his eye. Silvee stood and brought Buffy up with her.

"Maybe there's some books about it in the library. Come on, let's go look and stop being creeps to the poor guy." She said as the dragged Buffy out of her own room.

The library was empty around noon, so the two girls had plenty of privacy to do their research. Buffy and her friend split up to look for different books on the Emeritus family and the history of the church.

Buffy roamed the aisles, her fingers brushing over every book as she read the spine, waiting to see if one or two would be the few she's looking for. Her eyes wandered around, her mind elsewhere as it relied on her feet to take her where she needed to go.

Her friend slinked around the aisles, her arms behind her back, and her eyes on all the books in front of her. Silvee walked around in circles within two rows of shelves before stopping on an old book.

The book was red and looked like it had been through World War 1 and 2. She picked it out and brushed the dust off it. Clouds of dust flew into the air, making the poor girl cough. She looked down at the book and read the title.

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