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"I'll get the door" said Oprus. "Never mind" groaned Oprus bolting for the sink. Piebald stood and headed for the door. He opened it to a short stalky pegasus in white coat. "Hello" says Piebald letting the doctor in. "Good evening" says the doctor nervously. "You said something about a halfblood?" Questions the doctor. "My husband, he has been vomiting up more blood then any normal pony should be able too" explains Piebald. "Where is he?" Asks the doctor. "He's retching into the kitchen sink, this way, oh and his eyes have become light sensitive, hence why the lights are off" says Piebald. The two stop in the kitchen. Oprus is laying the cold tile floor, crying. "Opie, are you in pain? The doctor is here" calls Piebald. He looks up, the veil hiding Oprus's face. "Don't cry, help is here and I'll make sure everything goes smoothly" says Piebald walking over. Oprus stumbles to his hooves, clutching Piebald like it's the end of the world.

"Ummm, sir I need you to take off your veil" says the doctor. "But everything is too bright without it" says Oprus. "Opie, you need to wash that one, I'll put that one in to wash and grab a new one, while I'm doing that, the doctor can examine your face" says Piebald. Oprus whimpers but nods. "Thank you hun" says Piebald taking the veil. Under the veil is the the nervous bloodshot eyes of Oprus. Piebald shivered as he left the kitchen. "Piebald!" Yelped Oprus. Piebald turned back to see Oprus flinch. "Yes hun?" Asks Piebald. "How long will you be?" Squeaked Oprus. "About five minutes, now let the doctor help you" said Piebald. Oprus nodded and tried to relax. "Could I check your eyes?" Asks the Doctor. Oprus nodded and let the doctor near his face.

When Piebald got back he found the doctor examining the blood in the sink. "I'll take a sample with me but for now, these meds should stop him from vomiting but it won't cure him, I haven't seen this sickness before, I'll tell you two if I find anything" says the doctor. "So that was for nothing?" Whimpered Oprus. "Yes and no, we now know that there's a new kind of sickness that could spread to others, and with this blood sample, we should be able to find some information about it" explains the doctor. "This will be top priority right?" Asked Piebald placing a new veil on Oprus's head. "Thanks" mumbled Oprus. "Oh and the aches in your mouth is most likely a result of how much you've been vomiting" says the doctor. Oprus nodded.

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