Tutor Minho

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**So, Han Jisung and his best friend Felix are failing Maths really badly. All of the kids failing get put in a special class and this class is once a week during the normal University school periods. The person teaching in these helping lessons is an incredibly smart student called Minho who is a year older than the people in the class.**


Ugh, i have to go to the booster classes again because i am failing maths. I have never been good at maths and am definitely more of an English guy but to graduate i need to not fail any subjects. I am with Lixie right now and he is going on and on about some cute guy in the class. Of course he is and I am gushing over a different guy when finally we end up in front of the classroom we are meant to be in.

"Let's go Sungie," Felix said as i sighed in annoyance.

"But i dont want to :(" I said, giving Felix an adorable sad face as he carried me in his arm, treating me like total lightweight and carried me into the classroom. I was really tired so I somehow fell asleep in his arms.


I just realised Jisung was asleep and silently smiled to myself. My best friend was so adorable asleep, his cheeks were all puffed out but do you know who was cuter? Changbin. He was the hottest guy in that entire room other than me of course. I gave Jisung a little peck on his head as i sat down, him still in my arms.

Then finally, Minho came in and let out a sigh as if he didn't want to be here. Well i didn't want to either but look at me (ashley, look at me) Jisung was still asleep so i gave him another peck so he would wake up. Then another. Then another cuz the boy just wouldn't fucking wake up. Thankfully, we sat at the back of the class otherwise everyone would give us weird looks.

Minho started staring at us and glared daggers into my soul. What i was trying to wake him up, i could just leave him sleeping adorably. 

"Sungie baby wake the fuck up right now," I said as Jisung slowly woke up, trying to get his eyes used to the bright light of the class.

"Jisung, stay after class today please," Minho said as Jisung finally processed what was happening, still on my lap as i carried him and put him in the chair beside me.


Ugh that rat of a tutor Minho is making me stay behind once again for sleeping, IN MY DEFENSE I WAS TIRED. I do not think i deserved it. But for some reason, i could feel as if he was purposefully ignoring me for no reason whatsoever. Like- what did i ever do to him? Also it was so warm in Lixie's lap, and that annoying teacher made me move. Well... Felix carried me and put me in the chair beside him but still.

I was actually dying or boredom from doing maths equations when i heard the ring saying that this period was over. I was so thankful for this. AND THE BEST PART IS, I MISSED POLITICS SO I AM REALLY HAPPY.

I remembered i had to stay behind so i stayed in my seat waiting for Minho. But he just ignored my presence. Like he forgot about me.

"Helloooooo what did you want?" I asked annoyed as he silently got up and started to come to me. As cold as he was, he was really good looking and i had a crush on him because of this. Maybe he was a tsundere like in those animes? He came and sat on the chair in front of me, facing towards myself. 

"So you sleep in my lessons huh?" Minho said in his cold, seductive voice. "Maybe i need to teach you a lesson."

"But you already teach me maths" i said, proud of myself for being so hilarious. He then came closer to my face, making me blush a bit.

"You are adorable you know that?" Minho said caressing my cheek softly, "but i dont like it when that friend of yours Felix kisses you, it makes me somewhat jealous."

"Wh- what?" i said, confused because i didn't know what he was doing. Was Minho alright today? He was always so cold and rude but today he makes me feel safe, or maybe not.

"Come to my apartment 5:30, i will text you the address," Minho said as he winked and left. I was stunned, what the fuck just happened? I was going to tell Lixie but quickly decided against it. He is my best friend and i love him but i have a feeling i shouldn't tell him. It quickly became the end of the day and finally i could go to my amazing dorm for an hour before i set to go to Minho's lodging.

That passed quickly as well and before you knew it, i was in front of his door. I rang the bell and the door opened to see Minho in his normal clothing. Well the normal clothing a Uni student like him would wear i guess. Just a normal shirt and shorts cuz it was summer. He smirked at me, grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside.

"So, you need some extra credit for your Maths or you will fail," Minho said with a devilish grin on his face. I felt like i should not trust it at all.

"So what can i do to get the extra credit?" I asked making him smirk even more.

"I will show you," he said as he pinned me against the wall and smashed his lips on mine. It was a long kiss, very passionate and longing as if he wanted it for a long time. Minho then slyly snuck his tongue into my mouth and started feeling the inside of my mouth, making me moan in delight.

The pleasure i was feeling was honestly too much and then finally, my shirt came off. He carried me into his bedroom with ease and started planting butterfly kisses all on my body making me whimper when he did it in any places that i found sensitive. I could tell he was drinking my moans up hungrily by the look on his face and he finally removed the other pieces of clothes, leaving me naked.

"Gosh you are so beautiful baby boy~" Minho said hungrily as he slipped in between my legs and started planting hickeys on my thighs. That was my second most sensitive part making me moan loudly and lewdly.


Minho kissed  my forehead as he washed my aching body everywhere and quickly wrapped me in blankets in case if i was cold. I then started sleeping because i was too tired to stay awake any longer. My eyes were giving in.

"Good night Minho hyung~" I said as i fell asleep. But i heard something in my slumber.

"Good night Jisungie I love you~~~"

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