like a drug

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so yeah sorry i havent updated in a long time, i mostly update when i feep up to it and im lazy so 😃. minho is Jisung's brother's best friend and that's all i will tell you. love youuu guys 💗



I was sitting in my bed when i became hungry. what food do we even have? i cant lie i dont remember but if there is nothing, i can make my hyung make me some food.

i go downstairs in my normal house attire (im big brain using big words) which basically consists of me shirtless but still wearing pants.

i get downstairs when i hear a random noise. wtf? i dont think Jungho hyung is downstairs so i become a little frightened. im a strong boy right? i can protect myself! i repeat in my mind to nobody in particular.

"oh? hey baby." a mysterious voice said as i got a pan to defend myself and quickly turned around.

of course it was him.


"AH DUDE YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME" i yelp, thankful that it was minho and not a rando person.

"damn Sung, you really get scared that easily?" Minho said teasingly as he put his arm around my waist. my bare waist.

"Ew that's gay bro," i said as my phone started ringing, playing WAP by Cardi B. Minho smirks as he hears my ringtone.

"oh dear baby listens to bad music? thats not good" minho said with a smirk on his face as he slowly went forward, closing the distance between us.

"JUNGHO HYUNGGGGG" i yell as i didnt know what else to do. i had to face it. i was


gay panicking.

i didnt even know i was gay but thankfully Jungho hyung came downstairs immediately.

"JI, ARE YOU ALRIGHT? ARE YOU HURT? KIDNAPPED?" jungho scaredly yelled, disregarding Minho's existence as he engulfed me in a hug and kissed my head. "Ji you are gonna get hurt if you walk shirtless"

i rolled my eyes and nodded. "Yeah yeah but it is literally summer can I please walk around my house shirtless???"

jungho laughed and ruffled my hair. "If youre alright, i will leave okay?" he said leaving.
"Oh minho? when did you come here dude?"

"i was always here bro  😔 🤧 😢 " minho responded in a fake upset voice.

"OH NO BROOOOO IM SORRY I STILL LOVE YOU MINHORRRR" jungho said, reciprocating this behaviour, amusing me.

jungho finally left while blowing us a kiss as minho turned to me and lifted my chin with his pointer finger.

"you call hyung to help you huh? thats not what good boys do." minho said teasingly as i glared at him.

"what if im not a good boy?" i asked, matching the teasing tone as minho's look darkens.

"then you get punished. by yours truly" he said with a menacing grin and winked at me making me flinch. why did i feel scared right now?

then, all of a sudden, i was pinned to a wall by ome strong, veiny hand as the other one glided against my stomach. oh yeah i forgot i was shirtless.

"you will be a good boy for me wont you" minho said with that same sinister grin. it wasnt like a question, it was more of a statement. a command. or just something that i had to follow.

"its not good to ignore people is it Jisung?" minho said as his hand went a bit higher.

"Y- yes i will" i said, slapping myself internally for stuttering. minho seemed content with rhis response and finally let go of me with a wide smile striking his gorgeous features.

i finally leave and go to my brother's room to annoy him (so real Jisung) when i was pulled by my waist by someone. i recognise those hands.


"EW MINHO GET OFF OF ME" i yelped as he finally got away from me.

"youre brother is studying, dont disturb him." minho said in his husky voice.

"i feel like it so i will, he also studies a lot so it wouldnt matter" i said sassily as i enter my brother's room but i was pulled away again.

"youre being disobedient. time to get punished Jisungie"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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