Untitled Part 13

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oops soz guys almost forgot to post this week tee hee

Jisung is a normal guy that goes to school. Minho is not. He is a vampire who wants to learn more about human society so that he can brutally massacre the entire species. It somehow seems that his mission got a little side tracked...


I saw him again today, the cute squishy boy known as Han Jisung. I wanna cuddle and squeeze (get your mind out of the gutter people) him as much as humanly possible. Vampirely possible actually i guess. 

It may seem weird but i have some time of attraction to his blood like he is some sweet drug that nobody could ever get bored of and i love it. i want it. No crave it. NO need it.

We have actually became friends as he takes the same train i do to get to university. I still don't understand why someone as high as me wants to do this but i guess i do, sometimes i may not be right but i will never say that to anyone.

I see him again as he came running to me, with an adorable smile plastered on his face like cement and a glowing aura to him. He was the cutest person ever.

"Hey Sungie," I said casually as he hugged my waist and i held his. It was so small and dainty and fragile as if it was made for my hands.

"Hewo hyung," he said adorably back, making me wanna squish his cute cheeks (mind out of the gutter and holy water) so i did and he blushed. He is amazing and i never want to let him go.

if only all humans were like Han Jisung, because then i would have no reason for my motive of killing off the entire human race. they portray vampires and demons in such a bad light as if we want to eat your disgusting blood, we would much rather take chicken blood instead. And even if we did want human blood, they wouldn't know as our saliva makes there skin heal and we can make them forget about it.

A human killed one of my best friends, or actually they were my best friend until they were plotting to kill me behind my back, not the best thing you know. And a fucking garlic clove wont do shit, we aren't that weak. people would need a ton of garlic to get rid of even a baby vampire who hasn't developed their powers.

Anyways back to the adorable quokka known as Jisung.


I am talking to Minho hyung once again today, he is so hot. I need him so much in a kinky way but let us not discuss about that. I dont care how rough he is but i need him inside of me ASAP.

Okay fine yes i am sus and kinky but i am a young male adult in University and all my friends think that way as well to different people of course. I really need Minho hyung.

We started talking about studies and we realise how bad i am so i quickly shooed away from the topic. What if he didn't like dumb boys? what if he isnt even into boys? Let's try to not focus on the negatives but now that is all I can think of.

We agreed to watch a movie at his house which i was excited for, BECAUSE I WOULD FINALLY SEE MY FUTURE HOUSE AND MAYBE SIBLINGS IN LAW IF MINHO HYUNG HAS ANY SIBLINGS. We were going to watch a show called "Weekly Master" (not actual show or movie if it is then im sorry it sounds so kinky) which would be fun.

I rushed to my house to decide my outfit because i am INCREDIBLY indecisive in life like what clothes would he even like? i decided on wearing a grey jumper with a hole in the middle which showed a bid of my stomach and waist and some regular pants. It looked cute.

i video called my best friend Jeongin to ask if the outfit was okay because in my opinion he has the best fashion sense out of my friends. He happily agreed and said the outfit was something even he would wear. This was a compliment of the highest kind coming from Jeongin the fashionista.

Finally i set on my way to go to Minho hyung's apartment as he doesn't live in the school dorms like i do. There it is. The second i lay my eyes on it, they widen in shock. it is fucking massive what the hell.

I went to the front door and entered the block of flats, trying to get to floor 8. Finally, i got there and rang the doorbell of his flat. He answered the door in his vest, almost showing off his muscles. If only he did :( but anyways i walked in and we chatted for a while before we decided to watch the show. We got snacks and blankets and pillows to make ourselves comfy on Minho's bed (because there was a TV in his room)

We started watching the show when, yes 10 minutes in, there was a sex scene. Of course there was and it obviously made me blush a lot. It didn't help that Minho hyung stared at me with a smirk on his face the entire time. I wonder why?

Then later on in the episode there was another sex scene like bro chill out we get it but you will get mono or something my guy. Minho hyung stared at me with another one of his smirks, lust filling his eyes but i was confused why. I wish he did what the main character did in that scene to me.

Then in the next episode, there was guess what?

Another. fucking. sex. scene.

I looked at hyung when suddenly the TV was switched off and i was below him, while he made marks on my skin and i kept moaning. I was so confused why we were replicating the scene from the show in the comfort of Minho hyung's (and maybe Jisung's future) home. But i was enjoying it dont get me wrong.

My skin was turning red until i got bit. I saw fangs come out of Minho hyung's mouth as he started sucking and tasting my blood as i continued moaning. I was a masochist (forgive me if they arent like this) so it felt good to me. It hurt at the same time though, but honestly i couldnt care less.

Finally, Minho undressed me and put two of his fingers inside my mouth and gave me one command which i eagerly followed.

"Suck." Minho hyung said as i eagerly twirled my tongue around his two fingers. My mouth craved his taste as he took his fingers out of my mouth and inserted them into me. Before that he said something though.

"Do you want me to do this?" (consent is sexy) he said to which i eagerly nodded. I have been waiting for this moment ever since i saw this boy. 

He then put 2 fingers inside of my hole, waiting for me to be comfortable. I nodded as his sign to start thrusting inside of me to which he did. Moans wafted out of my mouth like the sweet aroma of a cheesecake as i stared at this beautiful man on top of me.

Finally, he took of his belt and underwear so that he could properly fill me up like i needed him to. Ugh i needed him so bad. I was so desperate for this one man.

He lined his schlong with my hole and eased in and slowly started thrusting. it was really gentle and as much as i appreciated that, i needed more.

"Harder" i said out loud while moaning as he started thrusting harder and rougher, making my eyes roll back a bit and drool drip out of my mouth. He thrusted repeatedly until we both needed to come. He came inside of me filling me up like i needed him to and i came on his bed. I apologised but for some reason he wouldn't accept it. i had a feeling that he wasn't done as he came on top of me, a ravenous lustful look in his eye as he murmured something.

"Gorgeous you are Sungie~ now let me fully ruin you," he said with a smirk as he started planting hickeys on my body, everywhere he could except for my face. 

I was completely ruined as per his wish. and i enjoyed it. thoroughly.

Then, he finally cleaned me up in a bath and showered me with aftercare. It baffled me how he could be so cold and condescending when he was fucking me but he could also be so sweet and gentle. I liked it that way though.

I then drifted off to the land of dreams in his arms when he whispered something in my ear.

"baby, you are mine and mine only. nobody will lay a finger on you."  he said with lust blanketing his eyes. 


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