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Months have passed since Allan and Badger settled into their routine in the hub. Badger has recovered, and Allan's commitment to their survival remains steadfast. Meanwhile, Connelli experiences unprecedented growth in his side of the business, while Tate's affairs lag behind.

Allan has resigned himself to the reality that leaving the hub or finding love is no longer feasible. His focus now rests solely on servitude, survival, and protecting Badger. Free from the burdens of the past, he transforms himself into a relentless working machine, dedicated to excelling in his tasks within the hub.

Amidst the challenges and hardships, an unexpected consequence emerges. As Allan pours his energy into his work, his exceptional dedication and unwavering commitment to his responsibilities become evident. His reputation begins to grow, and tales of his resilience spread among the hub's inhabitants and clientele.

People begin to admire Allan's unwavering work ethic and witness the positive impact he has on the island community. He becomes a shining example of endurance and determination. Slowly but surely, Allan garners respect and popularity within the hub's social fabric.

As Allan becomes aware of his newfound status, a spark of hope rekindles within him. The recognition of his abilities reignites a sense of purpose beyond mere survival. His journey transforms from servitude to empowerment, as he realizes that his actions can inspire and bring hope in the face of adversity.

Allan no longer feels trapped by his circumstances but rather empowered by his own strength and resilience. He begins to see beyond the confines of the hub, envisioning a future where he can make a real difference.

Embracing his role, Allan starts to take the lead within the hub. He becomes a guiding force, offering support and encouragement to others. His popularity and influence grant him the opportunity to implement positive changes, working towards a better and more cohesive community.

Allan's transformation doesn't go unnoticed. Even Tate, who has struggled with his side of the business, recognizes Allan's growth and seeks guidance from his once-underestimated brother. 

Through hard work, newfound popularity, and the ability to affect positive change, Allan realizes that life within the hub holds untapped potential. He accepts that his dreams of leaving and finding love may not be as important as the impact he can make right where he is.

Allan's journey of resilience and empowerment culminates in a vision for the future—a future in which he can continue to inspire, uplift, and support others within the hub's confines. The path ahead may still be unpredictable, but Allan no longer feels confined or limited. He has found a true purpose and a renewed hope to navigate the challenges that lie ahead.


The sun shines brightly as Allan and Badger sit on their beach towels, enjoying a rare day out that Allan had earned. Only two guards accompany them, barely noticeable in the distance. They soak up the warmth, basking in the serenity of the beach.

Allan and Badger munch on their lunches, relishing the simple pleasure of the moment. However, their conversation takes a somber turn when Badger expresses his concerns about their situation. He reminds Allan that they are the victims and the ones who have suffered at the hands of the "bad guys,"while he is working growing the Matican's empire, don't forget your just property.

Allan looks at Badger, taking a moment to chew his food. He gazes into the distance, a flicker of pain crossing his eyes. With a deep breath, he responds, acknowledging Badger's words. "Yes, my friend, I haven't forgotten. The pain still lingers, but all we can control is what is in front of us."

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