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yara chan: (still unconscious)

(Russia smiles and starts to leave the bathroom but he trips on something and falls on top of Yara Chan who is still unconscious)

yara chan: (still unconscious)

(Russia is now on top of Yara Chan who is still unconscious and breathing very softly)

(suddenly the police cars come Russia leave and disappeared)police: (come to girl bathroom)

(The police officers walk inside the girls bathroom and see Yara Chan unconscious on the floor)

(The police officers try to wake her up but she doesn't respond)

Police Officer: Miss? Are you okay? (He shakes Yara Chan trying to wake her up)

Police officers: (grab his radio)  we need a Ambulance

(The ambulance arrives and the paramedics pick up Yara Chan from the floor and put her on a stretcher)

Police: (looking around in the classroom and find all students and teacher dead body)

Police Officer: (looks at the dead bodies and calls for backup)

police: (he gets on the radio)*We need backup, we have dead bodies in the classroom and the girls bathroom

(Some backup arrive and investigate the crime scene)

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