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Yara chan:t-t-t-thank you? (Yara Chan doesn't know what to say)

Russia: (kisses Yara Chan on her cheek)You are welcome, my little love. (he says in a soft and soothing voice)

yara Chan: (She blushes)

Russia: (kisses Yara Chan on the lips)You are so cute and beautiful, my little love. I want to be with you forever.

yara-chan: (She turns her head away)  Why me?

Russia: (he kisses Yara Chan's cheek and smiles at her)  Because I love you, my little love. You are the most beautiful and cutest person in the world. I want to spend every second of my life with you.

yara-chan: (smiles back at him)

Russia: (strokes Yara Chan's hair and kisses her on the forehead)  I am so lucky that I found you, my little love. I want to treat you like a princess every day of your life.

yara-chan: (kisses him on the lips)

Russia;(kisses Yara Chan back and smiles at her I love you), my little love. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

(The end at the end Russia and Yara Chan became a couple) this is the end of the story I hope you like it

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