It never go well

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(next day Yara chan still think about what happened in school)

Yara Chan: (just thinking about what happened and she is still feeling traumatized and scared to go back to school)

(at night Yara looking at her window)Yara: (sip her coffee)

Yara Chan: (looks outside the window and sees Russia watching her)

Yara Chan: (fear rushes through her)

Russia: (starts to slowly walk towards the window)

Yara Chan: (locks the window)

Russia: (knocks on the window)

yara Chan: (is scared and doesn't open the window)

Russia: (knocks harder on the window)

yara Chan: (she's terrified and hides under her bed)

Russia;(breaks the window with a hammer and climbs inside)

(Russia looks around the room and starts to search for Yara Chan)

(Yara Chan stays under her bed, terrified)

(Russia finds Yara Chan under the bed and starts to drag her out of the bed by her leg)

Yara Chan: (screams and tries to resist)

(Russia doesn't let go of Yara Chan's leg and keeps dragging her out from under the bed)

yara Chan: (she's struggling to get out of Russia's grip)

Russia: (keeps dragging Yara Chan out from under the bed)

Yara Chan: (trying to kick Russia's hand)

(Yara Chan's kick is not strong enough to stop Russia from dragging her out from under the bed)

Yara chan: (scared)

(Russia finally manages to drag Yara Chan out from under the bed)

yara Chan: (screaming and crying)Please let me go!

Russia: (puts a gag on Yara Chan's mouth and drags her out of the room towards his car)

yara Chan: (screaming through the gag)

Russia puts (Yara Chan in the backseat of his car and drives away)

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