01 daniella

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daniella rodrigues was finally returning home to san diego after being away at college since january. she was eager to arrive home and see her mother, her best friend, and his family, which has become her second family.
she was currently in school with a double major in business and music, and a minor in marketing.  she loved singing and making her own music, but she also knew that, that was a hard business to get into so she needed a back up plan just in case things didn't work out.
she finally pulled into her driveway about three hours after she left her college. she was so happy to see her best friends car parked in the driveway,  along with his fathers car. as tired as she was from driving, she was still super excited to see them.
daniella got out of her car and grabbed a few bags to head inside, once she opened the door, she was immediately greeted by her mom, her best friend, and his family.
"welcome home danni" dominik said pulling her into a bear hug, "we missed you!"
she smiled up at him, "i missed you too!"
daniella walked over to her mom and pulled her into a hug, "hola mamá, te he echado mucho de menos."
"hola mija, yo tambien te echo de menos," her mother said, kissing her on the forehead.
"hola papá oscar, mamá angie, alayah," she smiled hugging her second family.
"hola hermosa," oscar said kissing the top of her head, "who is this?"
daniella blushed as she completely forgot to introduce her new boyfriend that she brought home.
"this is anthony, my boyfriend," she smiled, grabbing anthony's hand, "anthony, this is my mom, my best friend dominik, his mom, angie, his dad, oscar, and his sister aalyah."
anthony shook everyone's hand, but eyed dominik as she shook his hand, "nice to meet you guys."
"take good care of our girl," angie said, "we don't want to see her get hurt."
"of course," he smiled, "i wouldn't dream of it."

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