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Three months later

"16 months hopefully we can go fucking home soon." Deacon says right when Steve comes running into the tent like a mad man. "Were going home two weeks!" Steve yells making us all jump out of cots excited.

"Where you gonna go Buck?" Steve asks and I roll my eyes grinning. "Eddie moved to LA so going back there to see my man for the two months." They all grin shaking me. "Hey how is he doing after the chopper accident and everything?"

"Uh good he said he's disappointed that he was discharged from the army but got a silver star all good. He's looking into careers right now leaning towards the academy." I say with a smile when I heard a chopper full of army medics went down my heart sunk and my brain was in a spiral of emotions. 

"I can't wait to see him...bet Danny gonna freak out gonna tell him?" I ask leaning in wanting the details. "Uh already told him he is not the kind you want to surprise else you might get shot." I laugh at that we all go through what were gonna do I face time Eddie who looks tired as it is 7 in the morning back in LA. 

"I miss you Buck." He says tiredly and I smile seeing his bed head. "Be home soon hopefully babe ok."



Two weeks later 

Kelly headed to Chicago, Steve went to Hawaii, Ken went to Orange county California, me, Deacon and Hondo went to LA. I call Eddie late at night around ten so it would be around ten pm in Iraq so I don't face time.

"Hey babe I know it's late there I just was having a rough time needed to hear your voice." I apologies just in case he was asleep faking my voice to be sad standing outside his house in my jeep. "No it's fine I wasn't asleep mi amor...you doing ok what's wrong?" He asks worried and upset I can hear him flick on a light.

"Just needed to hear your voice Ed's...there something on your front porch you might wanna see got the notification that it arrived." He hums in response I hear another light flick on and some walking. "Better not be a glitter bomb Buckley." He opens the door dropping his phone looking at me dumbfounded and in shock. "Unless I'm a glitter bomb I don't think so." 

He latches onto me hugging me as I wrap my arms around the shorter man. "W-When did you get to LA?" 

"Less than an hour ago." I respond as he drags me inside closing the door as I pick him up onto me his legs wrapping around my hips. He makes me stumble into a wall as he places his hands on my cheeks roughly kissing me.

"God I love you did you know you were coming home!" I nod and he goes back to kissing me god he is making me horney. I set him down when his hands start to wonder around my body when he starts to unbutton my jacket. "Is this what I think it is Eddie?"

"Only if you want to Babe if not I understand." He says stopping for a minute and pulling back. "Please just fuck me already Diaz for fuck sake wanted you since last year." I growl making him push me into the wall nipping my neck. 

"You use traffic system Buckley?" He asks and I nod throwing my head back as we grind our hips together. "Color than babe."

"Green always green I like rough don't go easy on me Diaz." I say biting my lip as he takes us to the bedroom shoving me onto the bed. "Take your shirt and pants off than put the jacket back on." I do as I am told god I love being bossed around in bed.

"Good Puppy." I cringe at that than instantly forgetting as his hands run up my body he's stripped naked taking my breath away holy fucking shit he is man candy. "Oh my god I hit man candy fucking jack pot." I get a snort his body slides up my body making me let out a small moan. 

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