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"Bro, this new album cover sucks!" Spruce scolded John Dory with a sour look on his face. John Dory simply narrowed his eyes. "Like, J.D. this doesn't even look like me! Where are my exquisitely chiseled abs?"

"Oh, Spruce, on that note, your body oil's empty. There's another bottle in the closet." Clay spoke out of nowhere. It's kind of hard to recognize him because of his face. Looks like he's constipated, maybe it's like a laugh? Or a vomit.

"Spruce, the abs are right there," John Dory pointed to the poster of BroZone, frantically tapping it. Spruce looked over John Dory's shoulder.

"That's only a 3-pack," Spruce scoffed. "And, thanks Clay. I'll get that oil now." As Spruce left to go to the closet, Floyd and Baby Branch came out of the kitchen. Baby Branch was grasped between Floyd's hands protectively. He let go of Branch gently onto the couch.

"Floyd, how many packs does Spruce have?" John Dory asked. Baby Branch raised his hand.

"Oo-oo! Pick me! Me! I know the answer!" Baby Branch was acting like that one annoying 5th grader and was insisting to be called on. Floyd bounced his eyebrows signaling John Dory to play along. John Dory pretended that there was a full 'class' of students with their hands raised.

"Hmm. Branch?" John Dory pointed at Baby Branch. Baby Branch immediately began to count on his bitty fingers.

"One.. four.. two.. 27?" Baby Branch said hopefully.

"Sure," John Dory shrugged. Baby Branch looked up at Floyd.

"Was I right?" He squeaked. Floyd looked down at him, smiling.

"You sure were," Floyd grinned. "Though, I'm pretty sure thats more what Spruce thinks he has." Speaking of Spruce, how long does it take to get some body oil?

"AHH!" A scream rang throughout the room. Floyd covered Baby Branch's ears. John Dory jumped and looked around frantically.

"CLAY! WHAT DID YOU PUT IN MY BODY OIL?" Spruce ran into the room, pink, bubbly fuzz was all over his chest. Clay stopped preforming his rusty robot, and looked at Spruce with one eyebrow raised.

"What?" Clay asked stupidly. Spruce gestured to his chest, where the fuzz was now growing larger and was foaming. "Oh, that. It's just something I've seen in my prank book. I don't think pink's your color." And Clay just started to do his dance moves again, rapidly practicing. Spruce grunted angrily.

"I'm about to whoop this kid's a.." Spruce shut up by the look on Floyd's face.

"Alright guys, we have to practice," John Dory told his brothers. "The concert begins in four days."

"John, you seem stressed, breathe," Floyd breathed deeply and sighed.

"Well of course I'm stressed Floyd! It's hard to keep everyone in track. Especially with Baby Branch." John Dory said. Baby Branch looked at John Dory.

"I can take care of myself!" He squealed. John Dory raises a brow. Even Clay stopped dancing to look at Baby Branch.

"Yeah, who changes your diapers?" Clay said disgustedly.

"Branch, you're only two years old," Floyd began calmly. "I know it's upsetting to be the baby of the family. But, if you got hurt, or anything else, it would be automatically our fault if it did. We are your older brothers. It's our responsibility."

Baby Branch, not knowing half the words Floyd just had said, just nodded and sighed briefly. Spruce, whose chest was still foaming, was struggling to find out how to take that fuzz off.

"What should we start with? Baby, Baby, Girl? Nah. Girl, Baby, Baby?" John Dory paced back and forth in front of his music stand which holds a BroZone-themed planner. Out of the blue, Grandma Rosiepuff, came into the room. 

A YEAR WITH THE BROS. [A BroZone fan-fiction.]Where stories live. Discover now