New Beginings

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"YOU DID WHAT?!" Grandma Rosiepuff's voice boomed. Clay was getting scolded at. John Dory almost felt sorry for him. Floyd winced every time Grandma drew a breath, but Spruce still was upset about not having body oil. Baby Branch watched fearfully. "What did I tell you before you left?!"

"Don't get in trouble," Clay muttered, not looking Grandma in the eye. "But I didn't mean to!"

"Then what were you trying to do?" Grandma's voice rose. Clay flinched and twiddled his thumbs.

"Well, you see, I was walking around, and my coat accidentally caught onto the handle of the fire-extinguisher box thingy.." Clay lied thoroughly.

"Mm. I didn't see you leave with a coat. It's 78 degrees out." Grandma scowled. Clay put a hand on his hip.

"Well, I was cold," Clay said. "I have cold blood."

"CLAY!" Grandma shouted. "You CANNOT be getting into trouble like this! If you do this in school, you'll get suspended, maybe even EXPELLED!" Clay frowned more thoughtfully this time.

"What does expelled mean?"

"It means you can't go to that school ever again. The kid must've been very bad to be expelled."

"No school?"

"Clay," Grandma sighed. "All of you, you must promise me not to do this kind of behavior in school, or, ever again!"

"Yes, Grandma." Floyd said.

"Alright." John Dory sighed. Spruce and Baby Branch stayed quiet.

"Now.. go to sleep," Grandma ordered.

"But it's only 6:30!" Clay whined.

"You're lucky you're still alive."

Clay ran off into the bedroom. Floyd followed with Spruce. John Dory mumbled something out of earshot of Baby Branch, who was carrying his dinosaur puzzle with him. In the bedroom, four of the brothers were in their beds. Baby Branch was struggling to get into his crib. Floyd noticed this and helped him into it.

"Thanks!" Branch smiled one-toothed and out of breath. Floyd smiled.

"Are you excited for school tomorrow?" He asked. Baby Branch thought about that.

"Well.. not really," Baby Branch said. "I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"People." Baby Branch squeaked. Floyd narrowed his eyes.

"How come?" Floyd asked.

"Well, one time I met this little girl, and she made fun of my head because it was so big," Baby Branch told Floyd. "So now I'm insecure."


"Well she's not wrong," Clay said.

"Zip it, lemon-hair," John Dory grunted. Floyd scowled and spoke to Baby Branch.

"Well, just because one person said that, it doesn't mean that all people are rude."

"But, what if people bully me at school?"

"They won't." Floyd said strongly.


"Because we'll protect you," Floyd smiled. "We're your brothers.

"Big-headed or not," Clay said. Spruce glared at him. Baby Branch was finishing his dinosaur puzzle, and the four brothers soon fell asleep. As the last CLICK into the correct spot, Baby Branch finished his puzzle.

"Yes!" Baby Branch cheered to himself very, very quietly. With a small yawn, Baby Branch pushed his puzzle away and put his pillow under his big head. Quickly, he closed his eyes and let darkness swim around him, until a peaceful quiet submerged him. He let sleep overtake him and as if it was faster than a heartbeat, the alarm clock rang.

A YEAR WITH THE BROS. [A BroZone fan-fiction.]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن