He's the DEVIL

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"I don't want to come hia...!!" Macau whined sitting on the couch in their living room.

Vegas who is sitting beside him laying his head back on the headrest sighed and replied.

"Trust me Mac!! Given a choice I wouldn't step foot in that mansion too....but we have to....!!"


"Hia....you killed me again....!!" Macau whined pressing his console trying to revive himself.

Vegas gave a winning smirk.

He attacked Macau again....

"Hia....stop......!!" Macau was whining.

"You can't defeat your hia Mac!!" Vegas chuckled playing like a pro.

But this time Macau escaped his hia.

"I won't let you kill me again!!"

"Aha....let's bet...!"

"Then....if I win....I am not coming to the party in that stupid mansion." Macau said.

"Fine. Deal!! If you win I won't force you. But if I win...you will do as I say....!!" Vegas replied.


Both brothers focused on the game. Both are too good players.

As the game coming to an end...it was almost sure...Macau is going to win.

"I am going to winnnnnn!!" He said happily.

But in a second vegas bounced back.



Vegas won.

"No no no........!!" Macau whined.

Vegas chuckled and pulled his brother kissing him on the head.

"You must have cheated hia....!!" He blamed vegas.

Vegas just rolled his eyes.

"Sore loser. Now get your ass up and get ready. Let's get that stupid party over with!!"

Macau pouted. Yet he followed his brother instructions and got ready.

Vegas went to his room, had a shower and got ready for the party.


Tankhun has a habit of throwing parties without any goddam reason. This is one of those parties which has no meaning. Vegas mostly avoids these events...but since he opened a new base, he decided to come and expand his connections. Not that he needs any, everyone in Bangkok are already under him, he just feels it's polite (mama's boy) to meet them once again.

Macau and vegas arrived at the party after an hour. Macau has no interest whatsoever. But when his eyes fell on his best friend chay  standing at thr karaoke machine.....he smiled.

"Macau ...!!" Chay waved his hand.

"Chay....I am coming....!!" Macau waved back.

"Hia...I am going to chay!!" Macau told his brother and ran to chay.

Vegas chuckled at his brother.

So many people came to him to talk. Everyone knows him and everyone respects him. Some with admiration but most with fear.

He talked to them as nice as he can. When he looked around casually he saw a figure standing at the bar making drinks.

The figure looked at him and smiled. Vegas smiled back.

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