Buddy and Jovie's age regression

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At night, Buddy the Elf is having dinner with his father, Michael, and his family.

"Here, Buddy. Have some water." Said Walter.

Buddy drank some water and made a small burp.

"Excuse me." Said Buddy.

Suddenly, his stomach starts growling. And Buddy is starting to feel sick.

"Guys, I don't feel so good." Moaned Buddy.

"Uh, Buddy? Are you okay?" Asked Walter.

"Uh, Dad? What's happening?" Asked Michael.

"I don't know, Michael. Let's watch." Said Walter, as they watch Buddy transform.

Buddy starts to transform.

1. His hat fell off his head.
2. He starts shrinking.
3. He's getting younger.
4. His elf costume got too big, baggier, and loose.
5. He's now a naked little baby.

Baby Buddy the Elf covered his crotch because he's naked.

"Buddy? You alright?" Asked Walter.

Buddy starts cooing. "Dada." He said, in his high-pitched voice.

Walter gets out of the table and picks up his baby son and Carrie's him to the bathroom and gave him a bath.

Baby Buddy the Elf is now clean.

"So, you think we should leave him as a naked little baby for the rest of his life and forever?" Asked Michael.

"Yeah, apparently so." Said Walter.

Walter decided to not give his baby son a diaper.

Baby Buddy the Elf is in his crib, fully naked, and laughing.

Jovie entered Walter's apartment.

"Hi, Jovie." Said Walter.

"Is Buddy alright?" Asked Jovie.

"Yeah, he's fine. But, there's something you might want to see." Said Michael.

She went to Buddy's room and she saw that Buddy the elf has turned into a naked little baby.

"Aww, he's so cute." Said Jovie, lovingly.

"Here, Jovie. There's still some of this water leftover. It can turn you into a naked little baby, too. But, don't drink it until we finish making another crib for you." Said Walter, as he gave her a glass of water.

"Ok." Said Jovie. She placed down her cup on the counter.

Several minutes later, Walter, Michael, and Emily finished building another crib for Jovie.

"Ok, Jovie. Drink it." Said Emily.

"All right. Bottoms up." Said Jovie.

She drank the water cup.

She started to feel sick, too.

Her clothes are getting too big. Her hat fell off her head. She started shrinking. She's now a naked little baby, too.

"It worked!" Said Emily.

They picked her up, placed her in her crib, and left her naked and in the nude, because they didn't give her a diaper.

Now, Buddy and Jovie saw themselves as babies, and they liked it the way it is, and giggled at their sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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