Chapter Three: Escape from the Shadows

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(Back within the confines of the classroom, Smokescreen had weathered the trials subjected upon her by Knockout's experiments. The resilience she displayed left an indelible mark, a testament to her tenacity that even Starscream, with his cunning intellect, failed to fully comprehend. She was, in every sense, a tough cookie, an enigma that eluded the Decepticon leader's complete understanding, an entity that could not be easily broken.

As the bell tolled, signaling the conclusion of the academic session, Starscream, ever mindful of his schemes and orchestrations, prepared to depart the classroom. His departure left the rest of the Decepticons behind, strategically positioned to maintain an unyielding vigilance over Smokescreen, should she attempt any escape.)

Starscream: Alright everyone, I'm going home... Be sure to keep an eye on the prisoner, and if she tries to escape you know what to do.

Sideways: Yes sir, we know.

(As Starscream made his departure from the room, heading home and leaving the echoing silence in his wake, Smokescreen seized the opportunity for a subtle act of deception. Pretending to be sound asleep on the chair, she skillfully mimicked the appearance of slumber, successfully leading the Decepticons to believe that she was, indeed, in a state of rest.

Observing the charade, Barricade, acting as the vigilant overseer, cautioned the others.

Barricade: Don't touch her. She is asleep right now, guys.

(Sideways, swayed by the prospect of a snack, declared his intent to visit the vending machine, to which Knockout, with a touch of familiarity, concurred.)

Knockout: Same here, also babe.

(Barricade, acknowledging their intentions, received a directive from Knockout to maintain a close watch over Smokescreen. His response was a simple affirmation.)

Barricade: I know.

(As the room emptied with the departure of the Decepticons, Smokescreen, still maintaining her facade, couldn't help but flash an evil smile at Barricade. In a swift turn of events, she revealed her true intentions. As Barricade approached, she utilized her dexterous legs to seize him by the neck, overpowering him with a display of unexpected strength. Despite Barricade's attempts to resist, he found himself pinned against the wall, subdued by Smokescreen's prowess. With a swift and calculated move, she knocked him out using her foot.

With Barricade incapacitated, Smokescreen swiftly shifted her focus to the key for the cuffs, cleverly concealed on the restrained Decepticon. She freed herself with ease, her actions executed with a precision that left no room for error. Standing over the now unconscious Barricade, she cast him a lingering glance.)

Smokescreen: You should've been more careful, honey.

(She handcuffed him to the desk while he was unconscious and started gathering  her stuff and intel from the desk about her and her friends information. She realized he wasn't the only one in the school and became vigilante to whoever is in the hallways.

As she stepped out of the classroom, she saw that it was dark.)


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Transformers Prime: New Girl in the School vol 2 (MakeShift x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now