Chapter four: A night in the streets

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(In the aftermath of her daring escape from Jasper High, Smokescreen found herself grappling with the shock of the events that had unfolded within the school's confines

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(In the aftermath of her daring escape from Jasper High, Smokescreen found herself grappling with the shock of the events that had unfolded within the school's confines. The urgency of the situation pressed upon her, a realization that whoever had been present at the school must have witnessed her hasty departure.)

Smokescreen: Shit, oh lord, I gotta warn Bumblebee and the others, but they're so far from here... Maybe I can try to contact my friend Chris; he should be home right now.

(As she reached for her phone to dial Chris, a sinking feeling took hold. The automated voice of Elena, the voicemail AI, delivered an unwelcome message.)

Elena Voicemail AI: I'm sorry, your service card has been removed from your phone. Please insert your card to call someone.

(Smokescreen's optics widened in realization – her SIM card had been taken while she was unconscious. Undeterred, she considered an alternative.)

Smokescreen: Dammit, guess I'll have to go in person then, anyway. There should be a taxi or bus in the streets here somewhere.

(Faced with the limitations of technology, Smokescreen resolved to take matters into her own hands. The city streets beckoned, offering the prospect of transportation to bridge the distance between her current location and the refuge of Chris's place. 

The next steps of her journey unfolded against the backdrop of city lights, as Smokescreen navigated the urban landscape, ever mindful of the shadows that concealed both peril and the potential for sanctuary.

In the quiet solitude of her inner monologue, Smokescreen grappled with the urgency of her situation.)

Smokescreen (Inner monologue): I can't stay out here for the night. What if they might see me out in the opening? I better see if I could reach his place on foot just in case the services might be unavailable.

(Determined to navigate the city's labyrinthine streets without relying on the uncertainties of public transportation, Smokescreen set her course. Swift and purposeful, she began running from the streets onto Jameson Avenue, where Chris resided. The distance remained shrouded in uncertainty, her perception compromised by the absence of a functioning SIM card. Undeterred, she pressed on, her frame a blur against the urban backdrop.)

Smokescreen (Inner monologue): I hope Chris is home, or if his parents are home.

(With each stride, the cityscape unfolded before her, a tapestry of shadows and streetlights as she forged ahead on her quest for sanctuary. 

The rhythmic patter of her footsteps echoed the quiet urgency of her inner monologue, encapsulating the delicate interplay between evasion and connection, as Smokescreen raced against time in the pursuit of safety.

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