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I never liked horror in my life. Horror movies and stories are something that I have always been scared of and I still am afraid of it. I was a target for my friends, they would scare me by sending uncanny videos and facts related to dead people and ghosts. I mean I get it, they were joking around but jokes are only harmless when made within limits.

I was very much done being (fundamentally) bullied by my friends online.

It can't be that bad...can it be? Well, it was. It was because I started the wrong way. If you are a beginner, you shouldn't be starting with movies like 'Dead Evil Rise'. But I did and oh boy did I not sleep for a month!! But you know what, you should always give a second chance to everything.

I was casually listening to some podcasts when I got this recommendation. It doesn't look bad or too dark, so I decided to forget about 'Mommy' and try this.

And I found out that this was the correct start. I am so grateful to my algorithm that it recommended this podcast. The narration is just so good. The stories, don't contain those head-chopping or gut spilling type of stories. The stories... somewhat make you think about life. They aren't scary but when you think of them, it gives you chills.

This book is inspired by this particular story 'A Voice in the Woods'.

I was planning to write a one-liner horror storybook where each chapter would contain one line and the story would continue forward. And guess what!? The theme was somewhat the same, friends getting missing in the woods. But yes, my seasons were different. The environment of this book is taken from the podcast only. You will also notice some similarities but let me make it clear that this isn't the same. The plot is originally mine.

I hope you all will enjoy the story and if you are a Spotify listener, I will recommend this podcast. You won't get gore here if you are looking for that kind of content but yes, the stories are surely spin-chilling.


•The characters included are purely fictional. The events in the book are fictitious therefore are not real-life events.

•Plagiarisın of the book is strictly forbidden. Such actions can lead to legal measures and offensive punishment.

•Please take authorized consent from the writer (me) for translation.

•I also want to clarify the things that the plot is inspired from the podcasts, there might be some similarities.


This storyline will contain dialogues, events, and themes that refer to spirits, creatures, murders, unknown death, and guilt. If you are uncomfortable with any of these mentioned contexts please do not go further.


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