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"Han never liked those expensive winter skiing resorts, you know, the ones where you have to pay, and during winters, they would get filled with families and children

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"Han never liked those expensive winter skiing resorts, you know, the ones where you have to pay, and during winters, they would get filled with families and children. He would always roll his eyes at kids who couldn't even stand up and ended up falling on their faces while trying to ski. Sometimes he would even deliberately cause one of those children to fall, and they would end up crying incessantly, but he knew how to shift the blame to the child. Eventually, the frustrated parents would leave within their allotted time limits.

He used to say that it was all part of a conspiracy to lure everyone to resorts and skiing areas, even though there are snow-filled grass lanes available. It was just a way to make money.

Well, two other friends were with us that day: Hyunjin and a friend from his college named Seungmin, who had just started his winter break. All they wanted to do was get out of town. It was Seungmin's idea to stay at his brother's small log cabin, about two hours away from where Han wanted to snowboard. We would have reached there comfortably before noon if we had left just after the sun rose.

But like most of the plans we came up with, this one too failed. However, it wasn't our fault. The roads were too slippery to drive on; we had to stop midway just to clear some ice. We had to take a longer route because the other road or to be exact the shortest way was blocked because of the storm.

At this point, I just wanted to take a sip of hot chocolate with some nice warm cookies while lying down with a book. I started polling if this was even worth the effort but Han shushed me saying that it was going to be. Or at least it would be for him."

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