Settling in

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Over the next few days, you spent a majority of it unpacking all of your belongings. Both you and Tibbs made it to all the meals in the cafeteria, but people seemed to be wary of you. Tibbs was happy with his meals, and people enjoyed watching him eat. You always made a point to clean up after him once you were done eating. It was hard to get used to at first, not making your own meals anymore. Eating whatever was available, or choosing from the cold foods section (which was open all day and night). You had thought about going out to eat a few times, but you didn't want Tibbs to miss out on his meals, and he loved his trips to the dining room/cafeteria. His bowl would be piled higher than you ever did with food.
By Friday you were done unpacking, and had also made a statement to the police, pressing charges against John. He received a restraining order and a little jail time and now had a record. You had taken the time to call your family back home and let them know of the change. Your brother Eric nearly lost his mind when you video called him and he saw the black eye. He started threatening John as though it would make a difference. Your whole family was worried about you going to work for the Avengers with your abilities, and them especially not wanting them to be public knowledge. You assured them you would be fine, and no one would know. You had made sure not to use your abilities that often unless you knew you were alone, and you did make sure that there were no cameras in your new apartment before you started using your telekinesis to help put things away when your body was hurting too much to do it anymore.
Friday afternoon you were going a little stir crazy, and decided to go out to get a swing to sit on out on your balcony, now that you were fully moved in. You also wanted to get some fresh groceries, cat litter, and dog kibble.
When you got to the department store you picked out a dark brown wicker three seater porch swing, with a small matching side table to sit outside and enjoy the evenings. Your balcony was not shared and you had plenty of space. You were planning on some plants maybe. You decided you would go to the nursery to get some plants at one point, but the nights were still too cold to plant anything outside yet. You paid for the swing and requested for it to be delivered to the compound later on that day, and you quickly went to get some groceries. You especially needed to stop by the pet store to pick up some dehydrated chicken for Tibbs' snacks.
Arriving back at the compound, you beat the delivery and had six bags loading you down that were very heavy. You got to the hallway and paused seeing something outside of your door on the floor. You got closer and saw that it was a miniature pink rose bush and you cooed at it. You set down your bags, hearing Tibbs making a racket in the apartment because he knew you were home. Attached to the rose bush was a note that simply said "Welcome to your new home" and you cooed at it. You couldn't wait to bring it in and put it by the back window beside your bed. You opened the door and Tibbs came running out and went straight for the bags. You couldn't help but giggle, grateful you and tied the bags shut and used recyclable bags so they were harder to get into. You carefully brought in your plant and put it down on the coffee table before coming back out to get your six grocery bags. Tibbs was hot on your heels as you brought them in. You set down the bags in the small kitchenette and then went back to close the door. When you looked out in the hallway briefly, you saw Steve and Bucky walking by, and you stopped to give them a smile and wave before closing your door. Steve's eyes seemed to be searching yours, but you were too worried about Tibbs getting into everything so you hurriedly closed the door and went back to putting everything away.
The delivery came about an hour later, and at your request they carried it through your apartment and onto the back balcony. You gave them a tip because they also took the time to set everything up to your liking before leaving, and you promised yourself you would be a lot more frugal going forwards to send money home. Your parents had told you to treat yourself during your phone call, so you did.

When you got to supper that night, you were still on a personal high from the beautiful roses that you received. You dropped off Tibbs at one of the tables you had coined as your own since no one else had been using it. You went and got your food which was seafood pasta tonight, and garlic bread. You grabbed a couple of drinks and also had Tibbs' large bowl of food for him to eat. You came back to the table, in the large cafeteria and sat down, giving Tibbs his food. There were some fresh fish on the top and he purred as he started eating. You took your first bite of your pasta and hummed happily, doing a small dance at how good the food was.
"Hi" a small blond woman came over, only around five foot three, large blue eyes and glasses. She had her medium length hair slightly curled, and she was wearing black leather pants and a black corset with sleeves over her shoulders. Her feet clad with a pair of doc martens that had a slight heel to them.
"Hello" you said in a little bit of shock. No one had introduced themselves to you yet besides the few of the Avengers that you had met so far.
"I'm Jillian" she quickly took a seat. "You're the new data analyst right?" she asked while picking up her cutlery.
"Yes, I'm Y/N and this is Tibbs" you introduced yourself and your little rascal.
"Nice to meet you" she said as she took a bite and smiled happily. "I'm the resident hairdresser," she smirked. "I do everyone's hair here, and all of the big shots upstairs" she added with a slight giggle. "I live in Compound C" she said as she continued.
"I live just down the hall," you pointed.
"I was wondering if that's where they put you. No one's had that apartment before" she said. "I couldn't stand seeing you sitting alone anymore, and I just adore that little munchkin you carry around" she cooed.
"Thank you" you flushed. "I didn't mind being alone. I know it takes people a while to get used to the new guy" you shrugged.
"So new girl, what do you do on your downtime?" she asked as she continued eating and you flushed a little. You were glad you had put on extra makeup this morning to cover the black eye that was no longer swollen.
"I read romance novels" you flushed.
"Oh please say you read the good kind. I need an ally here" she said, making conversation seem easy.
"Good kind?" you giggled.
"Smutty, spicy, hot, intense..." she trailed off. You giggled again and nodded.
"Yes, I love it. I keep it on my kindle" you admitted.
"Girl, we need to start trading notes," she grinned. "Wait, have you tried dark romances?" she paused after a moment.
"Yes, I'm reading Haunting Adeline" you said with flushed cheeks.
"Oh that one is so good!" she exclaimed. She had a lot more energy than you did. The two of you continued to talk animatedly about different books you had read in the past and what was in your to be read pile. You had similar book tastes and couldn't help but feel like you had finally made a friend. Jillian quieted for a moment and looked past you at the end of supper while you were cleaning up after Tibbs, and you looked over your shoulder curiously to see Steve and Bucky walking by, and Steve caught your eye again. He gave a small smile and you smiled back before turning away to pay attention to Tibbs again. You missed the hurt look on his face but he quickly masked it.
"What are they doing down here?" Jillian whispered to you.
"That's the second time I've seen them down here today," you admitted.
"Why though? This is like the staff only area, not the Avenger's area. They have their own space" she said a little quizzically.
"Maybe they just needed out of their own zone" you shrugged it off. She nodded, but she still looked confused.
"See you and Mr Tibbs tomorrow! I'm going to get back to my book" Jillian got up and put her dishes away. You waved, excited to see her. You grabbed Tibbs and headed back to your suite.

When you got to your room you grabbed a cup of tea and your tablet with the kindle app on it, opened it up and headed outside with Tibbs on his leash. You tied him up to the bar of the swing so he wouldn't get too far and you sat down gingerly. You looked over your shoulder to see that your pink rose bush was showing proudly through the window. You couldn't help but smile. Whoever had given it to you was very thoughtful. It did make the transition a little bit easier.
You put your tea on the small table and put your feet up beside you. You were swinging with the breeze and really getting into your book when you heard boisterous laughing and you looked up curiously to see Steve, Bucky and Sam out for an evening walk around the outside of the compound. You pulled your attention back to your book, not thinking much of it when the laughter stopped.
"Hey Y/N" Sam stood just outside of the railing of your balcony.
"Hello" you smiled, and closed the window of your tablet and looked up. Your eyes met Steve's again unintentionally, but a slow smile went across his face that did something to your insides.
"How are you settling in?" Steve asked, and you couldn't help but think you really loved his voice. The temptation to reach out and read their minds was high, but you simply couldn't do it on principle.
"Very well, thank you kindly for asking," you said with some hesitation.
"What are you up to?" Bucky asked as he jumped over the railing and came to your side. He squatted down and started petting Tibbs who was lapping up the affection.
"Mind if we join you?" Sam laughed.
"Not at all" you shook your head with a grin. Steve quickly jumped over the railing and came to sit beside you. "I was just reading," you said a little shyly.
"Is that what you were talking to Jillian about earlier? Books?" Bucky asked.
"Yes, she's got the same taste" you nodded.
"What kind of books do you like?" Steve asked, getting your attention back to him. You looked up into his clear blue eyes and felt like you could get lost in them.
"Romance" you said in a far off voice.
"Stevie reads all the time," Bucky told you quickly, lying for his best friend.
"I read a little bit. More on history and current events. There was a lot of time missed" Steve admitted. "The internet is great for getting caught up."
"The internet is good for a lot of things. I use a few apps on my phone and tablet on a daily basis" you smiled.
"Oh yeah? Like what?" Sam asked.
"Kindle, streaming movies, Instagram. Facebook to keep up with a few friends and family" you shrugged. "Probably the same as you guys" you smiled.
"What's your name on Instagram? I like that app" Steve asked, already knowing what your handle name was. You told him it and he pulled it up quickly and hit follow. "There's lots of Tibbs on here" he commented while you had flushed cheeks.
"Tibbs has a bit of a following there. He's just so sweet" you cooed looking at him wrapped up in Bucky's arms.
"I have dibs if you ever need a babysitter" Bucky said quickly and you burst out laughing.
"He's not always this docile Bucky" you smiled.
"I'll take my chances!'' he winked and got a glower from Steve.
"Any plans for the weekend?" Steve asked, trying to get your attention back.
"No, just reading and hanging out with Tibbs" you shrugged. "I might call my brother Eric again, he was a little upset when he saw me on video call earlier this week" you admitted.
"Well, we are planning a few walks this weekend, mind if we crash your party again?" Sam asked politely.
"Crash away, it's always nice to have company" you smiled.
"This is a relaxing spot" Steve said softly and you turned your smile to him and nodded.
"I plan on putting out some potted plants once it gets a little warmer, it'll feel even more welcoming" you said excitedly.
"I can't wait to see it," Steve said, and you could tell he actually meant it.

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