A secret revealed

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Note: In this chapter you will notice the use of italics. This will be used to signify the reader's inner voice. Enjoy!

The boys stayed for a little longer, before Sam announced it was time to go. Your skin was alive with Steve's secret touches. You bid them goodnight and headed back in with Tibbs. They left, and you felt a little sad your evening company was gone so fast. You were half tempted to go back outside and just read, but you weren't up for it. You went and tidied up before taking off your pants and slipping into bed.
You ended up tossing and turning for over an hour before you got up with a huff. You put your pajama pants back on and picked up a sleeping Tibbs. He made a small racket, before he realized it was you carrying him and then he started to purr. You put on your slippers and grabbed your badge and headed back to the lab. It was dark so you just turned on your desk lamp when you walked in, and put Tibbs into his enclosure. He immediately went to his bed and cuddled in.
You logged in and started getting back to work. You didn't think anyone else would be up this late, and you would be safe. You were working for over an hour when Tony walked in with two mugs of steaming coffee and he set one down on your desk and leaned against it. You looked at the coffee and it seemed to be made the way you liked it based on the color.
"Thank you" you said, blushing at being caught at work in your pajamas.
"You should be at home in bed" Tony said, taking a sip of his coffee and went to grab one of the toys he had made for Tibbs and filled it with his favorite treat before putting it into the glass enclosure. Tibbs immediately got up and grabbed the toy, starting to work at the puzzle.
"I couldn't sleep" you admitted, taking a sip of your coffee and you hummed as the flavor hit just right.
"Peppers on a business meeting overseas until tomorrow morning. I don't sleep when she's not here" he shrugged. "What are you working on?" he asked, turning his attention to your computer.
"The new data that was brought in this week, reviewing it mainly and comparing it to the data we already have" you let him look.
"Drink your coffee" he said, taking out his bluetooth headphones and sweeping his hand and suddenly your data was up on the windows that looked out to the kitchen and dining room area for the Avengers. You drank a little more coffee and turned your attention back to your monitors, going back to work. You saw Tony started taking the bases that you were looking more closely at, and building files on them like you had planned to do later. You worked together to get through the file, and before you knew it, it was after midnight.
"Alright, go get some sleep. We can pick this up tomorrow morning if Pepper isn't home" Tony had noticed you were slowing down a little.
"I can keep going," you shook your head.
"Tibbs is passed out, you should take him home. We can resume tomorrow until Pepper gets back. Then you really have to leave it alone for the weekend. She doesn't like when I work during family time, and I don't want you to become like me. A workaholic with barely a social life" he gave a kind smile. "You can even come in your pajamas tomorrow. No complaints" he smirked.
"You have yourself a deal" you giggled. "Where did you get the mug from?" you asked.
"I'll take care of it. It's from my suite. I saw you working from upstairs" he admitted.
"Ah" you nodded. "Thank you for the coffee" you locked up your station and picked up Tibbs. He was dead to the world at this point.
"Anytime, I'm glad to have you on the team" he said with a reassuring smile and you nodded before walking out.

You woke up at six and couldn't get back to sleep. You put your pajama pants back on and carried Tibbs to an early breakfast. You couldn't help but think of how you were visiting with Steve tonight. You were excited, and anxious all at the same time. Jillian wasn't at breakfast, but you assumed she had a late night and might be coming later in the day. Tibbs tiredly ate at his breakfast, but his heart wasn't into it like usual. He was still sleep drunk. He did manage to eat everything on his plate, and also some of the eggs from your plate as well. You noted a lot of the employees were still in their pajamas as well, so you didn't feel as bad. You pulled your hair out of its messy bun that you had almost all of the time and let it down for the first time in public in weeks. You had a bit of a headache, and it helped to not have your hair up.
You went straight back to the lab, noting that the kitchen staff were getting ready for the Avenger breakfast this morning when you walked by. You swiped yourself in and didn't bother with the lights again, setting Tibbs in his enclosure and you sat down in your seat.
You were working for a good few hours, taking full advantage of your headphones that Tony had purchased you while Tibbs played with a few toys that Tony had filled and put in for him last night. You barely noticed all the Avengers stopping outside the lab to look in curiously to see who the long haired beauty was sitting at a desk with a raccoon playing behind her. They all knew of you, but most of them hadn't met you yet.
"Y/N" Tony came into the office, and you didn't hear him. He noted the headphones and ordered Friday to play the music over the speakers. The song "Thinking out loud" by Ed Sheeran came on the speakers and you looked confused for a moment before you looked up and saw Tony. He chuckled, thinking you looked so swept up in your work. He could see the appeal that Steve had with his crush on you.
"Oh! Good morning!" you flashed a smile, still clad in your raccoon themed pajamas.
"We would like to know if you would like to join us?" Tony asked.
"No thank you. Tibbs and I already ate in the cafeteria" you shook your head.
"We have fresh coffee," he pressed. "It's French pressed" he tried coaxing you.
"No, that space is for you and your team" you shook your head again.
"I insist" Tony seemed displeased you kept trying to say no. You sighed and looked him in the eyes. He walked past you and picked up Tibbs and then went to the door and waited patiently.
"I need to get through this data" you locked up your computer.
"You'll get through it later. Pepper is not going to land until noon" he led you towards the table where everyone was already seated and waiting. You knew them all from the papers or from having met them. Bucky held out his hands for Tibbs who made a racket until Tony handed him over. Once he was in Bucky's arms he started purring. You noted most of them were in their pajamas as well which made you feel a little better. There was a spot free between Steve and Bucky which hit you as odd, but you took it and gave a shy smile. "Team, this is Y/N. She's our data analyst that I've been telling you about" Tony introduced you.
"Hello" you gave a shy wave.
"Oh I know we are going to be good friends" Wanda said quickly. "Does anyone know?" you heard the second part in your head and your face fell as you looked at Wanda who was studying you closely. You shook your head and accepted the coffee that Steve was handing to you.
"I hope so" you gave a smile.
"I'll keep your secret, but I can't speak for Loki" she said in your head again, making eyes at him, and he just smirked in response as though he heard the entire exchange.
"Say what you would like, but I am still a gentleman" Loki's voice entered your head and you flushed. "Hello darling, welcome to the team" he said and raised his coffee cup to you. You reached for the sugar and Wanda reached across the table and handed it to you .
"Thank you" you flashed a quick smile, feeling anxious that your secret was discovered so quickly. You knew deep down you could trust them to keep it though. They seemed like good people. You didn't know if they were willing to keep that big of a secret from their two bosses, Steve and Tony.
"What are you doing up so early?" Steve asked while Bucky was on the other side of you feeding Tibbs some eggs.
"I couldn't sleep. There's so much work to do" you admitted, taking a sip of your coffee. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a tight white t-shirt and black slippers. Bucky mirrored him wearing all black though.
"You should be taking a break," Bruce shook his head. "My wife taught me that," he added sheepishly.
"Maybe someone else will teach her that too," Nat said quickly, winking at Steve who flushed a bit.
"The only ones missing are Peter, Pietro, Scott and Clint. They spend the weekends outside of the compound" Tony told you.
"I've heard of Peter from Sam, Steve, and Bucky," you said.
"He's a good kid. He's in university with Wanda and Pietro" Tony explained.
"My brother is best friends with Peter. They go everywhere together" Wanda added.
"You'll also meet Happy, although as soon as he gets back he will probably head to Peter's house where he lives with Peter's Aunt May. Happy has been dating May for years" Tony advised.
"He's a lot more talkative this morning than usual," you said to Wanda in your head.
"He's excited you're here. You always have your head down. He anticipates a lot from you" Wanda told you and you flushed.
"How is the coffee?" Steve asked you.
"It's much better than the cafeteria's" you gave a sly smile. "I appreciate the break and the invite" you said, raising your coffee to Tony.
"He's been thinking about inviting you since your second day in the lab" Loki said in your head.
"Brother, are you talking to Wanda through your mind again?" Thor asked, looking displeased.
"Yes, we were discussing our plans to take over the compound living room this evening. Do you plan to attend?" Loki lied smoothly.
"Of course" Thor said with a large smile on his face, obviously appeased.
"And you? Would you like to join, pet?" Loki asked you.
"No thank you, I have plans this evening" you shook your head.
"Surely you and the captain can make plans for another evening" Loki said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Steve looked a little worried and uncomfortable.
"I was really looking forward to the record player" you shook your head. "Besides, I'm staff. I'm not supposed to even be in this area of the compound" you reminded him.
"Rules are meant to be broken," he replied.
"I'll skip this time. But Steve, you can go if you'd like" you offered.
"I'm going to skip this time too" Steve said quickly, giving you a large smile. "I made plans with you first," he added. You felt your face flush again, and then the conversation started going around the table for what movie they planned to watch tonight, while you sipped at your coffee. As soon as you finished one cup, Steve refilled it for you and you leaned over and gave him a playful shove into his shoulder. He was hard as steel and didn't even budge but he chuckled at the action. He brought his hand up and twirled his fingers in the strands of your hair at the end, as though he was checking to see if the tresses were as soft as they looked. He gave you a wink when you looked at him curiously, and he let go as suddenly as he started.
"What's the big plan for today?" Bucky asked you as soon as he finished. Tibbs was asleep in a food coma in his arms.
"Working until I get kicked out, and then hanging out with Steve later. I might go take a bubble bath" you answered, wondering what he was up to.
"Oh, do you have any bubble bath?" Wanda asked you.
"I did bring some, but I'll have to go to the mall to pick up some stuff tomorrow" you nodded.
"Would you like some company?" she asked.
"Maybe" you nodded, feeling a little anxious that she knew your secret.
"Good, Steve has been saying he needs to go to the mall" Wanda said quickly and your face went red. You looked at Steve who smiled broadly.
"I'd love to join you" he gave you his puppy eyes and you couldn't help but smile back at him before nodding in agreement. "It's a date" he said quickly and you looked at him in shock, your jaw going agape. "A friend date" he quickly backtracked a little bit. Your face was red, and you looked away, and tried to hide a smile. You couldn't help but wonder if maybe he meant for a little more than you were anticipating.
"He won't bite you," Bucky promised. "I'll babysit this little guy while you are out tomorrow," he offered and you giggled but nodded in agreement. Bucky looked over the moon that you agreed. 

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