345,600 seconds

484 51 4

The rest of the week went by in a blur. You met Jillian for all meals, but you were only there briefly. You really wanted to prove to Tony you were the right woman for the job like he claimed. Tibbs loved his new enclosure and puzzles that Tony kept making for him. Instead of making them out of metal, he had chosen a hard plastic that wouldn't hurt Tibbs' teeth as much when he tried to chew on it. Tony had even ordered in the treats to fill them with, leaving you with one less thing to worry about. He found out what Tibb's preferred on Wednesday morning, and by the afternoon he had an entire case in one of his lockers in the lab. The glass enclosure that Tony had made for Tibbs was right behind your desk and was just the right height so that he couldn't get out. He also had a dog bed, fresh water, a cat box, and dog food to eat when he was getting peckish. Bruce was absolutely in love and kept coming over to check on him and watch him play. Sometimes he would even take him out for a cuddle, which just warmed your heart.
You did end up bringing your little snow globe to your desk to look at during the day. You had kept all the little notes, and now they were in a shoebox in the top of your closet where Tibbs couldn't get to it. You didn't know who was being so sweet, but you liked the mystery aspect. You sadly did not see your three nightly visitors on Wednesday or Thursday. You learned from Tony they were on a mission with most of the team, and would be back today, which was Friday.
You had worked diligently all day, barely taking a break to go eat. If it wouldn't have been for the racket that Tibbs was making, you would have forgotten about your lunch time and supper meal entirely. He was spoiled on all of the fresh food that the cafeteria was giving him, and he was quickly learning how to get extra food out of Jillian while she was eating.
"Tell me you are having a better day than me" Jillian sat down next to you with a bandaged hand at supper time.
"What happened?!" you exclaimed in surprise.
"I was sharpening my kit and got too into it. Blade meets flesh. Never a good idea" Jillian huffed as she took a few pieces of fruit off of her plate and gave them to Tibbs who quickly started snacking.
"Slow enough day for that?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Too slow if you ask me. It means less tips, and that's my spending fund" she wiggled her eyebrows.
"Don't you get paid enough to have a spending fund?" you giggled, knowing full well everyone here makes a good wage.
"Yes, well... There's a certain pair of shoes I've been dying to get" she admitted. "It's a bit more than what I have saved up," she continued.
"Maybe once your hand is healed up you can get some more tips" you smiled at her.
"It's just a scratch" she said taking a large mouthful of her salad and she started looking at you with a curious gaze. "Hey, why don't we do something crazy tonight?" she asked with a smirk.
"What is there crazy to do here?" you laughed.
"Let's get dressed up and have a night out on the town" she said, bouncing in her chair.
"Oh no, not tonight" you shook your head. "I'm just out of a nasty breakup, and I do not want to go to a bar and make some bad decisions," you said resolutely. She gave you her best puppy eyes and you felt yourself falter a little bit. "Maybe next weekend?" you offered.
"Bet!" she said with a little dance.
"Bet?" you echoed.
"You betcha, yes, absolutely" she explained and you nodded, still confused by the slang. "So what are your scandalous plans for the evening then?" she asked, taking a sip of water.
"I need to finish this book I started. It's a billionaire romance that is just getting to the good stuff" you giggled, showing the title on your phone. She wiggled her eyebrows and took another bite of her meal.

"345,600 seconds since I last saw your face, and I'm a man starved of your attention." you read, reading a new note that you found outside your apartment door with a bouquet of sunflowers and roses again. You blushed reading those words and quickly pocketed the note. You pushed open your apartment door and walked in, putting the crystal vase with your new bouquet in the kitchenette. You went to your bedroom and put the note with the rest and came back out to make yourself a tea and to grab your tablet. In truth, you didn't really turn down Jillian because you didn't want to go dancing or to a bar. No. The weather was still beautiful out, and you just wanted to see if Steve, Bucky and Sam would stop by again like they had been before. Your book wasn't as important as the company you were hoping to have.

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