4. Tomorrow Never Dies

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Weeks passed and I still hadn't seen anyone from 5 Seconds of Summer. I think they were keeping a low profile after the public blow up between Calum and Tiff. The news had been plastered over all sorts of tabloids the following day, most claiming the incident to be much worse than it was. Videos and photos of Tiff inside and outside of Daisy's were being shared all over social media; some fans using it as a campaign to save face for Calum and blame Tiff.

Sarah and the team at Daisy's had been on high alert for any damage control they would need to do for the venue, but thankfully none was needed. Everyone was focused on the messy breakup between the rockstar and his groupie.

Kristen had tried to ask me for more details every shift I had worked with her since. I didn't have anything new to say. Just that Tiff was drunk and rude and Calum and the other boys seemed over it. I hadn't seen the break up. I didn't care to know more. It had nothing to do with me and frankly when they all came in next was still going to be seeing them too soon. It was all too much drama and angst for me to be bothered dealing with.

Apparently I couldn't avoid them forever though. It had been a quiet Wednesday at the shop and I was cleaning the glass jewellery counters when I heard the front door open. I looked up to see a familiar looking security guard and four tall gloomy men enter. Fantastic. Kristen smiled and greeted them warmly as they walked through the store.

"Please head straight through to room one gentlemen and Jillian will be with you in a moment," Kristen said. I held back my groan and forced a smile at them as they passed me; it was not returned. The door to the client room closed. I returned the glass cleaning supplies to the cupboards behind the counter and glared at Kristen.

"You couldn't at least give me a warning that they were coming?" I asked sourly.

"I'm sorry they barely gave me any notice," she replied.

"Typical," I grumbled.

The four boys were sitting in the same seats they always took, on their phones, unbothered by my entrance to the room. It felt different being in there this time. After everything that happened at Daisy's I was quietly hopeful they would be a little nicer; at least say hello when I saw them. Very quickly I realised how foolish I was to expect that. Stood in front of them now I had never felt more humiliated. All of them continued on their phones and there I was like a court jester waiting to be told to dance. I took a deep breath trying to hold back from crying in anger and frustration. The scar on my hand offering me no comfort this time.

Ashton looked up from his phone, brow furrowed slightly. Shit. I've been standing here for so long not saying anything and now it's even more uncomfortable.

"You okay Julil- I mean Jillian?" Ashton fumbled. Calum snorted from the end of the couch. I couldn't help but glance at him, looking down, fist bunched trying and failing to cover his smirk. I cleared my throat and blinked back the tears. Another forced smile made its way across my face.

"Okay gentlemen, what would you like to start with today?"

60 painfully slow minutes later the four men walked out of them room making no purchases, and barely acknowledging me. Nothing had changed at all. As they filed out of the consult room and passed Kristen I felt the tears in my eye well up again. This was just ridiculous.

"Oh, hey," Michael called back towards me. I blinked hard and met his eyes with a thin smile.


"Will you be working at Daisy's again this weekend? We may or may not be doing another show," Michael not so subtly hinted. I glanced between all of the boys, most of them looking expectant for my answer. All expect for Calum, who rolled his eyes before continuing towards the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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