Chapter 11

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"So.. what are we, Taehyun?" Beomgyu asked, his actions acting first before his mind. What he said just now was unintentionally said, the question both shocked Taehyun and Beomgyu; eyes widening in confusion and mouths having small distance between their lips.

Taehyun's hand slowly slipped through the wet clothes of Beomgyu as he took off Beomgyu's clothes off to the side of the older male's body, scarlet eyes softly staring at Beomgyu's. "What do you think.." Taehyun smirked of hearing Beomgyu's word then turned into a grin, teeth showing. "Are we..?" Beomgyu asked again while watching Taehyun's hand take off the shirt of his, not answering the question of Beomgyu just yet or never.

Taehyun took the chance as his other hand grabbed the towel and threw it at Beomgyu's face, getting off of Beomgyu; not on top of him anymore. "Dry yourself already. I have tons of questions to ask you so hurry up." Taehyun said, ignoring whatever Beomgyu just told him as if he wasn't there. Enjoying the teasing he did at the older and confusing him is more fun than arguing.

Beomgyu's eyebrows frowned, mouth open wide in disbelief as his eyes roamed around the place. "What..?" He asked a question to Taehyun for him to repeat what he said again, his brain not working and not processing everything that happened just now. Taehyun sighed, "I said hurry up. You move slower than a turtle." He repeated, his head looking away from Beomgyu to not make eye contact with him.

Even if Beomgyu was confused and in disbelief, he followed Taehyun's orders; being obligent. Beomgyu completely took off his clothes that was kinda dry at the moment because of the cold air and time passed by, putting the towel on the wet body part for it to be dry; he wiped his arms to chest then waist. "Yah." Beomgyu called out for Taehyun's attention which he successfully received as the younger's head turned towards his direction, "Your clothes?" Beomgyu asked, his body slightly shivering in cold because the room has air-conditioner. Taehyun didn't reply nor say any word to him but still gave him the clothes he asked for, giving his red long-sleeve shirt for it's one of the most comfortable clothing for Taehyun to wear.

As when Beomgyu wore the clothes, it was comfortable and cozy; he didn't have any troubles putting the clothes on because it was big for him. The younger male looked away for respect of privacy and sat away a little bit for personal space; being kind for Beomgyu this time only. Beomgyu updated Taehyun, "You can look now. I'm done wearing the clothe." He spoke bluntly. Taehyun's head turned after hearing that Beomgyu is done wearing the shirt he gave, seeing Beomgyu with one of his shirt; looking small and adorable.

"You know.. you can watch me. You even saw my body completely when my clothes were wet and it was clearly see-through. Also, we are both males. It's not like we're gay or anything." Beomgyu said, leaning to the wall for the heat of the clothes when the heat met his skin; seeking for more. "I'm not even interested seeing you wear my clothes and all naked. It's way too boring." Beomgyu rolled his eyes hearing Taehyun's reply, "I wasn't all naked! My shirt was only off." Beomgyu said in shocked, Taehyun mocked his words after. I'll strip you naked instead, Beomgyu thought. "What's more boring, the wall or me?" He asked randomly, suddenly attentive for Taehyun's answer; even if he was expecting the answer to be "you".

Taehyun thought for a while and stared at the ceiling before answering Beomgyu's question, his head hung low slowly "Of course, the wall." He mumbled but Beomgyu heard it, the younger wasn't aware of it though. Taehyun looked at Beomgyu, seemed like his expression was bored. Taehyun's head went down moderately, orbs looking at Beomgyu on the top of his eyes. "Probably you. You're boring to everyone." You're my interest. He finally answered, voice loud this time.

Maybe, he forgot that his eyes turns red everytime he feels angry, bright pink when trying to lie, pink if flustered and scarlet which means happy or flirting. It's literally bright pink! He, himself, doesn't know but others do, specially Beomgyu. He pouted in happiness knowing the meaning of the color of Taehyun's eyes, "Aww, you're lying, are you? Which means I'm interesting for you." The older male cooed at him, smiling ever so widely while Taehyun side eyed him. "I knew you liked me since the beginning." Beomgyu said confidently; closing his eyes, grinning widely, fingers on his cheeks as the palm carry his chin. Taehyun's pink orbs looked at his body up and down; now judging him for real. Taehyun's mouth escaped a noisy scoff, "As if! I would never ever like you." He spoke harshly and not forgetting to pronounce the words correctly and clear, not wanting to give mixed signals; which he already did earlier when he tried to take off of Beomgyu's clothes.

A sudden remembrance passed through Taehyun's mind, remembering he can ask questions now that he have helped Beomgyu. They both made eye contact as soon as Taehyun's head turned towards the older's direction, Taehyun's heart beating faster. "Why are you making me feel such unexplainable feelings like this?" Taehyun asked out loud, not suppose to say this question. However, it's too late to say something to back out since Beomgyu have already heard the question. "What kind of feelings?" Beomgyu asked, eyebrows knitting together as they go down; confusion between them starting.

Taehyun shook his head, "Nothing." He tried bringing the topic down but he also knew Beomgyu won't give up until he knows the answer if he is extremely curious about the truth of the question. Beomgyu didn't whine which was unexpected but he still asked about it, "Wha—" but Taehyun interrupted him because he no longer wants to talk about that kind of topic he accidentally brought.

"We both should go now, it's late. We can't stay at school this long." Taehyun announced as he stood up from the bed and grabbed his bag of school materials but stopped when he walked Infront of the door to say something to Beomgyu; that question will make Beomgyu overthink about a lot, to the point he can't sleep. "For the answer of your question earlier." He began to talk.

"We are just enemies, Beomgyu. Nothing else and nothing important."


Randomly woke up at 5:00am to get up but instead tried to finish this chapter because there is school later on

Anyways, thoughts about this chapter??

Anything to say about the given mixed signals?

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