Chapter 29

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March 10.

Beomgyu's pov

My hand was on top of Taehyun's hand as he was right beside me, sitting with me on the sand of the beach. We watched the sunset together, with the sky slightly orange and pink mixed with the white clouds. Both of us.. seemed like we were enjoying it but there were sad aurora surrounding us. What could it be?

I tried to find it somehow but I couldn't move my head away nor my orbs from the sand, not allowing me to observe everything that's near.

Until my vision flickered.

I saw Taehyun in my arms, as we both sob in each other's hold. I was crying, bawling so hard but Taehyun was trying his best not to cry and he was smiling; until he couldn't hold his tears as it dropped down his eyes. I tried reaching out to myself, to Taehyun, I started running towards me and him.

Just when my vision completely turned black.


Beomgyu's first sight today was Taehyun's beautiful face, his glowing skin that the light hits, long eyelashes that fan his cheeks and lastly, his plump lips that Beomgyu love to kiss. The older smiled softly, knowing himself that he can't pass a day where he wouldn't compliment Taehyun or the red hair getting into his mind like a person bursting to the door without permission; even if he's gone in this world.

Until he remembers his dream, the dream where it could haunt him everywhere and anywhere.

The older got up after admiring Taehyun for a while, climbing off the bed slowly just so Taehyun wouldn't wake up. Beomgyu went to the bathroom right beside the living room, looking at himself in the mirror that reflects him.

'Should I play some music to distract myself?' Beomgyu thought to himself, opening his phone to play music to himself as he blast off the music; not caring since the walls are thick enough to cover the sound; let himself enjoy when he can.

Mr. Loverman.

Beomgyu brushed his teeth, closing his eyes because he still feel sleepy as he thought of Taehyun and what to do today; they both somehow lost the paper Beomgyu wrote. Taehyun was disappointed because he was the one who kept the paper but Beomgyu manage to calm him down.

"I'm headed straight for the floor, the alcohol served its tour," Beomgyu listened to the lyrics of the music as he brushed his teeth, already liking the start of the melody. "And it's headed straight for my skin, leaving me daft and dim."

Beomgyu reopened his eyes and spit out the foam in his mouth to the sink with the running water washing it off, brushing again his teeth afterwards.

"I've got this shake in my legs, shaking the thoughts from my head," He nod his head by the music's beat, showing that he likes the song; even though he doesn't like sad music that much. "But who put these waves in the door? I crack and out I pour."

"I'm Mr. Loverman, And I miss my lover, man. I'm Mr. Loverman, oh, and I miss my lover." Beomgyu listened to the lyrics as he stopped bobbing his head, his heart dropping down his stomach once he realized that he's going to miss Taehyun in the future too, like these lyrics.

"The ways in which you talk to me, have me wishin' I were gone." The older's eyes started building tears but shook his head for it to dry down, washing his mouth that's covered with toothpaste foam. "The ways that you say my name, have me runnin' on and on."

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