Chapter 15

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Soobin started vibing as soon as the intro of the song began to fill the silence of the car as if he knew the song already, his body swaying to the left from the other side as he felt the rhythm but his attention also on the road. His low voice singing along with the voices, saying the lyrics on beat.

"I can hear it callin'."

Beomgyu whipped his head to Taehyun's direction, only to find out that he fell asleep; his head resting on the window, body slouch on the seat. He must've been tired, being the president of the school is probably hard; lots of work to do given by the teachers, solving some issues and problems from the students.

"Lovin' the way you wanna talk~"

Hearing the singer's voice singing the lyrics makes him interested by the tune and melody, deciding to pay attention to the meaning of the lyrics and vibe along with the song. His back slammed the seat, his elbow resting on his lap as his fingers play and touch his lips to concentrate listening to the lyrics.

"Touch me, tease me, fill me up."

A bright shade of red kissed Beomgyu's cheeks as it marked his skin and stay for some time when he heard the lyrics, Taehyun suddenly appearing in his mind without any permission as he barged into the door of his thoughts.

"Callin', something in the way you wanna talk~"

Sweet vocals crawled inside Beomgyu's eardrums as his thoughts run over several laps, the voices sounding innocent despite the meaning of the lyrics and the beat of the song. The past memories of Taehyun and him smacking Beomgyu's mind as it made the brown hair male daydream and zone out of the reality, the voices of the singers still lingering in his ears while he listens to them attentively.

"You got me sayin', you got me sayin'."

Memories of Taehyun with him washed and filled his mind as it's only the thing he thinks, remembering every details of the scene they made. Another color of crimson painted Beomgyu's ears, the skin slowly getting red every second has passed when he recall the memory.

"How you doing?"

The lyrics and the beat echoed through his ears so as the remembrance in his mind, his eyes locked to the mirror where it shows Taehyun's reflection of himself sleeping quite peacefully even if there's music playing surrounded from every side of the car. He decided to shoo away the past memories and focus on the attractive looking Taehyun.

"Tell me, what's your name? (What's your name?)"

Admiring Taehyun's facial features was insane, even the darkness outside can't even stop Beomgyu from complimenting the younger in his mind was even worser. His eyes closed as it showed his pretty long eyelashes and those glamorous, plump, pink lips that are slightly part away from each other that makes it look more kissable.

"What's your sign?"

Also, the red fluffy hair that cover Taehyun's forehead makes Beomgyu want to stroke it and gently pull it away from his forehead just so he could see Taehyun's facial features better. The smooth skin that you will always want to touch and caress it everytime you have the chance to. When did he get so ethereal these days?

"Feeling like you're into me."

He snapped out of his thoughts as the lyrics pulled him back to the reality and to the void of darkness, his heart sank down to his stomach at the meaning of the words the artist sang. Right, Beomgyu had realized his feelings.. romantic feelings for Taehyun earlier a while ago. I mean, is it even romantic? He didn't want to rush himself and find out whether his feelings are actually romantic or not, it's not like he would fall in love with this person who has anger issues.

Beomgyu got irritated and annoyed because of the lyrics despite the song being good and all that makes you vibe into it, specially Soobin who is enjoying dancing to the beat of the song.

"Turn off the music." He demanded to Soobin, dropping off the respect to the back and give the cold shoulder. Soobin pouted hearing Beomgyu's words, ready to complain and nag about what he just said.

"But you were the one who requested to play some goody music? It's good anyways too!" Soobin whined, not wanting to turn off the amazing music. Still wanting to vibe and sing Love Talk, it was one of his favorite songs after all.

Excuses are the best at the moment, Beomgyu could think any when he wants to. "I don't think it's fine to play music when Taehyun is sleeping." Beomgyu half-lied, saying some random excuses yet the truth also. His index finger finding it's way to the air and point straight at the sleeping figure, making Soobin turn off the music sadly as his fingers lift up slowly and tap the screen to turn the song down for Taehyun to sleep without any bother since he's kind.

After all the excuses, Taehyun didn't even find any disturbance when sleeping with music. He sometimes play loud music when it comes to studying for exams, when his surroundings get way too loud and it's disturbing him or when his parents are fighting for who knows what.

The oldest of the three got sulky, driving the car with a fast speed but Beomgyu didn't mind it. He's going to apologize later and regret everything, Soobin can control his anger after all; but not after turning his favorite song.

Turning to the other direction of the road with a quick speed, someone will probably get bumped into random spot or thing. Beomgyu's eyes widened, his body falling to the other side where Taehyun was sleeping. His body was turned to Taehyun's direction because of finding a comfortable position after.

With fast reflexes, his hand quickly slammed the window for his body not to completely fall to Taehyun as the other hand on the seat. The loud thud of his hand caused Taehyun to wake up from his sleep, his dream disappearing.

They made eye contact with each other when Taehyun woke up, no one dared to move from this questionable and unexplainable position. A lot has happened today.

Eyes meeting together as they locked automatically, face extremely close to each other's, they could only hear their heavy breathings as they inhale and exhale slowly.

Taehyun's eyes wandered around Beomgyu's face, his facial features amazing him. His forehead, eyes, nose and finally, his lips. Despite wanting to kiss those lips, he hold back himself. Taehyun admired Beomgyu not until his mouth decide to move, wanting to ask Beomgyu.

"What are you doing?"


Eeeeyyyyyyy can't think of anything

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