Chapter 12

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As soon as the door closes after us Killian runs from the castle, with me still in his arms. We speed through the Haunted forest, back to where we first entered Hell. Once there he lays me on the ground and closes his eyes. He opens them, looks around and closes them again. 

"What are you doing?" My voice comes out weak and quiet. Fuck, I hate being like this. My own fault for trusting him. He opens his eyes and looks into mine with guilt. 

"I'm so sorry, Maria. I had no idea. When they dragged you away unconsious , I knew I had to get you out somehow. So I pretented to be okay with it. I wanted to free you from that cell but I knew Lucifer would have stopped me. I had to wait for the right time. But then I was almost too late." He hangs his head in shame. 

I laugh at him even though it hurts to do so. "I think you were right on time. Rescueing me from almost getting raped by your father, on orders from your mother no less. How grateful I should be, right?" 

"No! It's not like that. He just wanted you at his side, I didn't know he would torture you for it. I promise you, I didn't know." 

"Yeah, like it would be the first time someone lied to me. Why would now be any different? Look at me , Killian!" 

"I am and I'm sorry. Maria, don't you know by now?" He kisses me briefly. Just his lips ghosting against mine and rests his forehead against mine. 

"Know what?" 

"I love you. I am madly and hopelessly in love with you. I would do anyhting to keep you safe, even going against my father. You are it for me. And I don't care about destiny and shit. I don't want to kill you , I want to spend the rest of my life with you. No matter how long or short." 

A few tears escape my eyes. "Me too. So what are we going to do now?" 

"Killian sighs. "We will figure it out. But first we need to get out of here." 

"Then why are we still here?" 

"I think Lucifer is blocking my power to leave here. We're stuck for the moment , but I will figure it out. We need to get away from here first. We're too close to him." 

Killian helps me get up and lets me lean on him on the way deeper into Hell. We wander through the rocks, following a small path between them. At one point I hear something growling, getting closer and closer to us from behind. I can't see them, but I definitely hear them. I'm not sure how many, I can't focus on them being so weak but it seems a lot. "Killian." 

"I know. There are too many to fight and protect you at the same time." 

"You can see them?" 

"Yes, off course I can. I'm Lucifer's son, remember? But they only obey him so our safest option is to run." 

"I can fight them." 

"No you can't. You can barely walk." 

He puts his arms under me and carries me before he starts to run. As soon as he runs, I hear the hellhounds start to give chase. I try to remain as quiet as possible but it hurts everywhere. I try to throw a lightball but it won't come. I don't feel a single power in me. Hell has apparentely left me powerless. I'm really starting to hate it here. 

He runs faster and I hang on tighter. We leave the rocky grounds, entering a village. We quickly loose them in the streets. When we're sure we lost them, Killian sets me back on my feet and we rent a room in a little hotel. Killian draws me a booth as soon as we're in the room. Putting in all kinds of bathing soap. I carefully take off my clothes and take his hand as he helps me in the tub. A relaxing sigh leaves me as my skin touches the water. "This feels amazing  thank you." 

"Can I join you?" 

"Off course." 

He smiles and takes off his clothes. I make room for him so he can get in behind me. I rest my back against his chest, resting between his legs. Now in the quiet, I realize I haven't heard the voices since I've been down here. Is it this place, or are they finally gone?

"I can't use my powers down here. Not only is my body broken, I am left weak without them." 

Killian brings his arms tighter around me. "You are not weak." 

"I've always wished a normal life, you know. I never wanted this lfe. I hated my powers at a certain point but now that they're gone, it feels as if a part of me is missing." 

"I promise you, I will find a way to get us back." He's quiet for a little while. "I asked him, but he wouldn't tell me who your father is. I don't understand why it's such a big secret. What's so special about him? I even asked Lillith but she barely regards me as her son." 

"What do you mean?" 

"I think she just sees me as a tool to use to finally get out off Hell. Not that I am a fan of Lucifer, but she is way worse." 

"It was her idea for him to, you know" 

He sighs. "Come, your body needs sleep to heal." 

He helps me get out and even dries me off carefully before drying himself off. Then he puts me in bed, gets in behind me and brings the covers over us. We're both still naked , but there is no sexual tension. My body couldn't handle it anyway. We're both awake for a long time, just enjoying laying in each others arms. But eventualy my eyes do close. 

I awake feeling insanely warm and sore all over. I am on high alert but quickly rememeber what happened and relax, knowing Killian is with me. It's strange not waking up alone. It neve happened before, I never let it happen. But now, there wasn't even sex involved. I've never done that. He just tended to my body and stayed with me. 

I feel him moving before he speaks to me with the most beautiful bedroom voice. "Not thinking of running are you?" He turns to me and looks me over. He ghosts his fingers over my stomach but doesn't go lower. "How are you feeling?" 

"Better. Thank you for caring." 

"Off course I care. You ready to move, though? It's best we don't stay in the same place to long." 

"Okay, but I have one problem. I don't have any clothes but your shirt." 

"I'll find something for you to wear, even though I hate to cover that pretty ass up." 

I giggle while I go to the bathroom, naked ass on display. Giggle, seriously? Who the fuck am I?

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