Chapter 7

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The doorbell was repeatedly jingling and i was getting annoyed by it, i got off my seat at the dining table and headed towards the door

' god man, does this person have no patience at all? ' i said to myself.

I grabbed the door handle and pulled it towards me...

" who is it?" i said as i slowly faced the person who was in front of my door grill.
And I swear to God.... To my disbelief, Sarah was outside the door.

" Sarah.... What are you doing here..... And how the heck did you get past security???" I asked her.

" Heyyy Jino, no reason really. I just wanted to visit you at your house" she answered with a sheepish smile on her face.

Before I could reply to Sarah, Mina called for me...

" Jino dear, what's taking you so long?" her soft voice echoed from the dining table

" who was that?" Sarah asked me.
And before I could answer, Mina was behind me and back hugged me out of nowhere.

" Hi !! I'm Mina, Jino's girlfriend and who are you?" Mina said in a soft tone.

At this point, Sarah had a confused facial expression on her face. As if her brain could not process what was going on in front of her eyes.

" Hi.... Uh.... Urmm.... I'm Sarah.... A colleague of Jino.... I didn't know Jino has a girlfriend.... I'm so sorry for bothering the both of you at this moment" Sarah voiced out stuttering
The 3 of us stood there at the door of my apartment staring at each other for a while until Sarah broke the silence.

" I guess i shouldn't be here, I'll go now" and within seconds, she rushed to the lift lobby.

I unhooked Mina's arms and turned around to face her.

" That was
, she left so suddenly," Mina said.

Taking a big breather and replied " i like it that way, i don't really like her too" i smiled.

We headed back into my condo and I closed the door to continue doing my work while Mina played Call of Duty modern warfare 4 remastered on my PS4.

Pretty soon, the night skies fell upon us.....

*fast forward to dinner*

I finally got to finish the paperwork I had to do and Mina was still trying to kill Zakhaev, which i found to be very amusing because i thought All Ghillied Up was a very easy mission even in Veteran difficulty level.

" heyy princess" i called out to Mina while hugging her from the back.

"  why am i a princess? Am I not your queen?"
Mina asked with a cheeky furious face.

" Queens and Kings are married, but we're not so i'm your prince and you are my princess" i quickly thought of an answer.

" tskkk, whatever.  I hate this mission, it's so hard" Mina complained to me.

" you know what else is hard" I seductively whispered in her ear.

Instantly Mina turned around and said " You wanna go again now? I'm hungry" and gave me a cute upset face.

" Fine. I'll get delivery for dinner, what do you prefer? Korean fried chicken or something else?"
I asked.

" I don't want delivery food, actually it's late and I need to go home soon" Mina replied.

" Oh yea, do you live alone? Or do you live with family?"  I said.

"parents, i live in a HDB flat in Tampines with my sister and parents." Mina replied again.

" hey princess...." I called Mina out.

"yea babe? Let's take a quick shower and get changed. Call your parents, lets eat dinner with them and your sister too" i said.

" Are you serious about this? Oh my God, this is all new to me. Give me a moment to process this" Mina said.

" where do you live in Tampines?" I asked.

"  Near Tampines North Park,  why?" Mina asked back.

" Perfect. Let's go eat at Captain Kim KBBQ, that should be a good place to eat dinner don't you think?"

" Sounds like a great idea, my mom would pig out but..... My mom would be fine with you but my dad might put up an act. Aren't you worried?" Mina said while reaching her small hands out to my much larger ones.

" First impressions are the best way to prove yourself to someone, I'll be all fine princess " I reassured her and gestured to her to go shower with me.

*Fast forward to Dinner venue*

" I'm kinda nervous right now, I can't stop my legs from shivering" Mina told me with a worried face.

" That's because you touched me ' there ' when i was cleaning myself , you are lucky that we made it here on time. We spent an hour in the toilet, 20 minutes which we actually spent cleaning ourselves and the other 40 minutes; well I don't have to elaborate on that , do i? " i winked at Mina.

" you're so confident about that huh? " Mina laughed at me.

I was about to reply to her when a woman's voice called Mina out.

" Eomma, here ! " Mina raised her voice and waved her short arms. As her family made their way to us, me and Mina stood up to greet them.

" Eomma, daddy ; This is my boyfriend, Jino." Mina introduced me to her parents.

I invited them to take a seat and introduced myself to them, her family was very nice and warm to me and asked about my line of work and my hobbies and how I met Mina, all of which i answered.

Her mom,  Mrs Kim ; was very interested in my korean comprehension and she even started a conversation with me in korean.

"I like this one, he's smart and handsome. Not much of both of those nowadays " Mrs Kim told me and Mina.

I was blushing, her mom called me handsome and that she also said she likes me. Mina's dad on the other hand was a tough nail. He asked about how often I was flying and how I would make time for Mina. I tried to think of a politically correct answer while cooking a serving of marinated beef strips on the grill for him.
The dinner was a bit of a roller coaster for me, Mrs Kim was cool but Mr Lee Teck, Mina's dad was troubling me and her little sister Irene was pestering me about why am I so good looking and why I fell in love with her sister who she called a lazy cow. Mina glared at Irene when she made that comment and did the 'my eyes are on you' thing with her fingers.

After the dinner, I drove home alone as Mina went back to her house with her parents. I was pretty lonely and tired as I had a long day so I sped up home driving. I reached my house about 11 midnight and I kicked my shoes off before closing the door.
Just as I was about to head to my bedroom, someone knocked at the door. I was annoyed by that and yanked the door open,

" It's 11pm... How can i help--    you-- Sarah what the hell are you doing here??"

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