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'That was bit too much? Queen? Not bad title for myself actually!'

I thought interestingly as everyone slowly went back to what they were doing when the dark purple haired goku told them to continue what they were doing as he lead me to a stairs that was fancy yet elegant as we walked to the door that says,

Office : Queen of Gambling

As me and dark purple haired goku went inside to meet the others members.


So, basically my secret part-job is actually me being the owner of one of the greatest secret gambling den that can make me almost a multi-billionaire. I found this place 2 years ago and decided to make my own gambling den as I thought that time,

'why not give it a shot?'

And from then, l began to repairing and renovating as it took me at least few weeks to make it look fancy yet stable. I took a loan from a bank nearby and began to buy the gambling tables and supplies too, soon people began to enter my den as some win and some lose.

Soon, my business went skyrocket and I became the well known Queen of Gamble or Emotionless Demoness, as the people who challenges me to gamble them calls me which I absolutely love!


Anyway, l have 6 members that takes in charge when I am not around and sort of represent the cards that have,

Three leaf clover

{Aries-Chan : so I am not sure it is right cards that l assume! 😅 I apologize in advance!}

As Raphael(dark purple haired goku) and l entered into my office as we were greeted with screams and yelling inaudible nonsense that was hard for raphael and I to understand what was going on.

'why is Lucas armwrestling Rica on the table!? And what is Suu doing putting his face in the fish tank like that!? Where the heck is Saruto, Dina and Lunar!?'

I thought angrily and shocked of the scene that unfold in front of my eyes as raphael take a step and is now standing in front of me as he began to shout out.

Raphael:"Rookies! What kind of behavior is this!? *pause and point at me* Our Queen is here, to witness such unprofessional behavior that you all should be ashamed of!!" *said angrily but mostly disappointed tone as he looks away from them as everyone looks down in shame and quickly but obediently went to their respectful seats.

'How does Raphael get them to listen to him everytime!? Is it because he is older? Or because of how he looks when he is extremely angry? That is one case that will never be solved!'

I thought amusemently as I walked to my elegant yet stunning chair that looks exactly like those queen chairs that they have in movies! With raphael stand beside me as he hold a blank yet serious look and armcrossed.

I look at everyone silently yet analyzing them as everyone kept a serious yet had attentive look on me as they wait patiently for what are my orders or what am l going to say.

Y/n:"Now that the chaos is over, shall get to business?" *said coldly yet blunt tone as l look at them seriously and took out a dark red folder as l put it on the table*

'let the games begin'


Hello my lovely readers and I am back! Sorry for the late chapter as I was not well last week but I managed to get this chapter done!

Will try to update another 2 more chapters to cover up last week and this week once I recover!

What do you think of chapter 8?

Sorry for any mistakes or misspelling, Grammer too! 😅

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