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Mary:"That Jabami better not lose!"

Ryota:"You can do this Yumeko-Chan!"

While me? I simply gave a smile and mouthed silently to her.



Meanwhile, as the scene changes where we are in the view of y/n's secret gambling den, inside y/n's office with all the members busy working.

Lunar and saruto were busy looking on lunar laptop for any footage on the mysterious intruder but has found nothing so far, Lucas was busy on the phone with his team who were busy gathering any information on the same mysterious intruder while Suu and Dina were busy doing some paperwork as Raphael instructed them to do as it involves their expenses of the gambling den.

Lunar and saruto continue to try find some kind of clue to figuring out who is this person and what are their intentions with the confidential information that they acquired.

The atmosphere in the room was calm and peaceful for at least awhile before Lucas suddenly screamed and busy jumping up and down like a small kid finally got good news.

Everyone stopped to what they were doing and stared at Lucas confuse yet curious to what made he act like that or react like that.

Lucas running to the others as he held a victorious smirk on his face and had glow on his body that almost blinded lunar, saruto, Dina and Suu who tried their best to block the brightness that Lucas expressed.

Lucas:"Rookies! *smiled widened* l got good and bad news on the case of that mysterious intruder!" *said cool and amuse tone as he watched the express on his friends turn to shocked to curious manner as they waited for him to talk*

Lucas:" The Good news is that one of my spy that I hired to find out information on the mysterious intruder, finally found out who it is!"
*said shocking yet nervous tone as he began to fiddle his tie in anxious manner*

Suu, who is already impatient and physical exhausted as well as stress as they been working on this for the past 2 weeks with no break and countless hours of zero sleep, you can actually see under suu's eyes as he have dark bow that is very noticeable and had stressful yet tiring look on his face.

{Aries-Chan: just to clarify! Lucas, Suu are boys and saruto, Dina, lunar are girls while Rica is pronounced as them!}

Suu:"OH MERLIN! SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!" *shouted annoyed as he tapped on the table impatiently and having a massive headache, hitting his way*

Rica:"Jeez! Calm down Mr grumpy wumby! *rolling their eyes* you not the only one who hasn't slept for a couple of hours! *grab a cup of coffee and place it in front of suu* here drink this, just relax and breath." *said calmly like a sweet soothing voice as they watch their friend, Suu drink the coffee as he took a breathe and relax*

Suu:" Sorry *sigh* l didn't mean to snap at you, Lucas *looking apologetic towards lucas* forgive me o buddy? "
*said in question tone with sincere voice as Lucas laughs happy and accept his apology *

Dina:"So? What is the bad news? Surely it cannot that bad right?"

Lucas:"Actually? *gulp in nervousness* this mysterious intruder is a family member of Momobami clan and it is a 98% chance that it's the Student council president's older twin sister!"

Shocked yet confused were written on everyone face as saruto asked Lucas a question that she almost seem to read everyones mind.

Saruto:" How do you know that it is Miss Student Council President's older twin sister? What evidence can proof that? "

Lunar, who was completely quiet this entire time as she finally spoke which cause everyone snapped their heads towards her direction.

Lunar:"Lucas's spy caught a strand of white hair at the scene of the crime as he took it to lab and analyze it as the result of that strand of white hair belongs to *turning her laptop around as everyone in the room was eager to who it is*

Name: Ririka Momobami

Age: 18

Height: l66 cm


Kirari Momobami, Secret younger twin sister.


Hyakkaou Private Academy


Third year


Vice President of the student council.

Ririka is the identical twin sister of Kirari Momobami, the two of them share all of their facial features as they both have pale skin, long platinum hair with bangs that are styled in a hime-cut, peach/pink tinted lip balm, and light blue eyes."

Everyone was quite surprised and stunned as they looked at lunar but couldn't help but asked.


Lunar couldn't help but let sadistic laugh that send chills down the spine of others, she looked them then pretend to on put a thinking looking before causally saying.

Lunar:"Nope." *showing cheeky smirk*

'Beside, l am the second person to figuring it out and it so disappointing that y/n knows already! And above all she didn't tell us! *pout mentally* also there is no way I am going to tell the others how l found it!'


Ririka who was busy in the student council room with paperwork on her table, she was distracted by the text that she has got which was 2 and half weeks ago.

That person never send another message again, ririka was messaging her arm as she recall the incident that cause arm paining tremendously.

'l shouldn't have thrown the stone with left arm with so much force'

Ririka thought as she was told by her father that she going to assign her to do a task for him.

To steal the confidential information

And that what she did, hopping she was recognized by her hard-work and time to finally to at get least a praise from her father. Kirari and Ririka's dad was a invisible father who was never there in their lives as he was only on a business trips and busy gambling other higher rankers.

They had no father figure in their life and never felt what it's like to feel the love of their father as in the household of Momobami clan, they set one rule that you never break.

"Never let your emotions take over you or deaths and destruction is the only thing you will see!"


Two chapters updated in one gone!?

It took awhile to get all the information about Ririka!

What do you think of chapter 12?

Sorry for any mistakes or misspelling, Grammer too! 😅

Chapter 13 will be posted on Saturday!

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