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New Orleans, 2013

"AHH." Blood curdling screams were heard throughout Marie Laveau's hair salon, as the women tried to scatter.

A witch hunter, descending from a long bloodline dating back to the Salem trials, abruptly stormed in, sporting what seemed to be a 32 caliber. Its' bullets were hand carved, with old Viking symbols on them. The ultimate weapon.

He solely walked, not speaking a word and proceeded to shoot just about every witch in there.

And as if almost in a panic, Harper ducked down and hid behind the reception counter, watching as her friend Queenie got shot and fell to the ground in excruciating pain.

Harper rapidly covered her mouth, as her eyes widened and her heart raced. She gingerly waited as she heard the man's footsteps drift, indicating he'd gone to the back room.

Another gunshot was heard and Harper squinted her eyes shut, spilling tears she'd unknowingly been shedding.

Opening her eyes again, she quickly reached over and dipped her shaky hands in a pool of blood by Queenie's lifeless body and rubbed the blood on her yellow dress.

She then laid next to Queenie pretending to be dead too, her stomach doing summer salts, as she could hear the witch hunter walk around for a few more seconds before exiting the Salon.

Harper waited 10 more minutes, before finally sitting up with teary eyes. She broke down, hysterically crying as she stood up, looking around at all the voodoo witches that were killed. She now had no family and nobody to turn to.

With an instant impulsive thought of moving to a different state, she grabbed all the money from the register's cashier and shakily looked around once more.

She contradicted herself, as she knew moving wouldn't be enough... She had to time travel..

- time skip -

"Are you sure she can help?" Harper frantically asked the coldblooded man that stood before her.

"Yes, my mother's a very gifted witch, if I do say so myself." The blonde ripper responded in his old English accent.

Harper let out a sigh, puting her uneasiness aside and nodding.

The man just smirked, gesturing behind him. "Mother? She's ready." He called out.

"Thank you, Niklaus." The lady dismissed him, while making her way in the room.

"Hello. I'm Esther." She politely introduced herself.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you, I'm Har-"

"Harper. Yes, I know.. Nik has told me about you... I'm honestly impressed. You're a direct descendant of Marie Laveau.." She sat down and gestured to the chair in front of her.

Harper hesitantly sat down, she could feel the energy in the room shifting..

"Yes.." She nervously replied.

"Nik said you wanted to ask for a favor.. What brings you here?" Esther poured herself a cup of chamomile tea.

"I.." Harper gulped, rubbing her sweety palms on her denim jeans.

"I want you to open a time travel portal..." She finished, glancing between the tea and Esther.

Esther hummed, thinking about Harper's inquiry.

"That would take much greater power than I harbour." Harper frowned at those words, in discouragement.

"However, I could do it... In the condition that you let me channel your ancestral powers." Esther propositioned.

Harper drew in a sharp breath, as she thought. There's no other way...


Helsinki, Finland
September 13th, 1987

"I won't hear of it! You will go and you will find Valerie." Kristian sternly scolded his daughter, his brows knitting together as his usual scowl formed on his face.

Natalie only frowned, folding her arms across her chest, while a frantic look coated her expression. He couldn't be serious.

Her father, Kristian Antero, head of  Finland's most powerful clan, thought sending his meddling daughter away from home on a quest, would do her good.

"But father-" An upset Natalie tried to interject once again.

"Don't bother coming home until then.. Farewell Natalie." He immediately shut her down, turning away from his daughter. What a disgrace. He thought of her.

Natalie sighed, dropping her arms. "Now what?" She mumbled to herself, shortly rolling her eyes at the thought of having to go on a search of a lost cause.

As far as her knowledge goes, her twin sister Valerie was kidnapped when they were 2. There was no way she'd be able to find her, Valerie could be in Antarctica by now. Who knows?

The only piece of information she was given, was that she could find her sister in a town named Weston Hollow. That's it.

Shortly snapping from thought, Natalie started to walk out of the room. A plan brewing in mind as she thought of getting back at her family.

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