Dead Sister

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May 15th 1987

"Great, now we're lost in the middle of nowhere, all because you wanna find your dead sister. You know, I'm starting to think you're lying to me Nat." The black haired, blue eyed bassist, Nikki Sixx, spat, in the middle of a dispute with his on-again-off-again girlfriend, as he drove across the state of Pennsylvania.

Natalie, who sat shotgun in the brown sedan, death glared him. Besides being annoyed by his human-y clinginess, he seemed to have struck a cord with the dead sister, remark.

"Nikki will you stop bitchin' and just drive?" She rolled her eyes.

She thought; If she killed him on impulse, she'd end up caving in and feeding him her blood, resulting on what he wanted, for her to turn him into a vampire.

Nikki scoffed in irony. "I'm starting to call bluff on your end of the bargain." He nonchalantly accused her.

"Why? Is that all you want me for? Because that's how you're starting to sound to me! I already told you I'll turn you, once I get myself out of this entanglement." Natalie huffed in annoyance, resting her chin on the palm of her hand. It took her slight sanity at times, not to rip out his guts.

She gazed up and out the window, at the ever moving clouds that roamed the blue sky. And the sun, which shun a warm coating, reflected itself on a nearby river.

She then glanced back to her surroundings, where the seemingly neverending trees that had trailed up from the woods, came to a halt. Something caught her eye; A dark green plaque up ahead that read; 'Welcome to Weston Hollow, established 1948'.

Nikki stayed momentarily silent. He did love Natalie, but ever since he found out about her supernatural secret, he began to obsess over it. He saw it as the ultimate jackpot. He'd become immortal and never have to age a day over 29.

"You know that's not true, Nat. Okay? I love you.. It's just that it doesn't sit right with me." He shrugged. "Why can't you just turn me now? Why wait until later?" He glanced between her and the road.

She didn't pay him any mind, as she questioned herself; If she were Valerie, what would she be doing?

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