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It's been a few weeks since Samantha had discussed her deal with Barça.

As Samantha arrived in Barcelona after a confirmed deal, she was greeted by Alexia; who couldn't wait for this day to finally happen. It was the day Samantha finally moved to Spain and hopefully for good.

Life came easy for the two lovebirds in the first few weeks, Alexia would drive Samantha to training and back every single day. She would tell everyone it's because Samantha couldn't remember her way around the streets of Barcelona as it had been so long since she trained here but it was actually because Alexia just wanted to spend all of her time in the presence of her loved one.

Samantha knew this was the reason and had no issue with it, in fact they both loved spending so much time together. Whenever she was questioned on the matter she would always pretend to not know the streets she indeed grew up on and knew like the back of her hand even after years in England.

The entire team saw right through this like but never actually decided to bring it up with Alexia, they respected their captains decision to keep her personal life entirely private even from them.

With the new season fast approaching, the team were training as hard as ever, even with some new signings their flow never looked like it would be interrupted, they truly were a great team.

Samantha and Alexia were on the same team for their training game and all was going well for the two of them right up until Mapi went in with a challenge on Samantha.

It didn't sound like a very good challenge, the whole team heard the snapping of the bone in Samantha's ankle, including Alexia, who was the first person to her side whilst making sure to give her best friend the death stare, if looks could kill then one would only be right to assume Mapi would probably have died.

"Ay la mierda Mapi, what on god's green earth were you doing sliding in so recklessly like that for, it's only a training game, what on earth were you thinking?."

"Lo siento Alexia, I wasn't thinking, I didn't mean to go in sliding like that, I mistimed my challenge, lo siento" Mapi said as she moved ever closer to Samantha who was still lying on the ground in excruciating pain.

"No, leave her alone, you've done enough already María." Alexia said, she was pissed.

She walked over to where her girlfriend lay. "Lo siento, mi amor." Tears started to built up in Alexia's eyes seeing the pain on Samantha's face, the medical team moved Samantha onto a stretcher to get her to hospital for scans. Alexia decided to finish training.

"Ale, Te amo mucho." Samantha shoulder through gritted teeth as Alexia faded into the distance to go finish her training.

A couple of hours had passed since the incident and a few scans later, Alexia had arrived to pick Samantha up from the hospital.

"So how'd the scans go? What'd they say it is? Is it serious?" Alexia asked curiously and frantically.

"Well the good news is it's only a fractured ankle instead of an ACL like first feared, the bad news is I can't play for a long while." That made Samantha sad and slightly tear up. All she wanted to do was give her all for the Culers and for the team. Something she would now have to wait to do.

Alexia carried her to the car, refusing to let her girlfriend put even a toe onto the ground in fears of making the injury any worse.

Alexia already knew what it was like to miss out and she would do anything to make sure Samantha didn't spend any more time than necessary being out injured, Samantha lived and breathed football, Alexia the same, she would do everything in her path to make sure Samantha had a smooth recovery.

It started when the pair arrived at their shared home, Alexia carried Samantha through the door and onto the couch whilst she went to run a bath, and when the bath was ready, carried her to the bath too.

After her bath, Samantha hobbled down the stairs to find Alexia over the stove.

Much to Alexia's dismay she turned around to see Samantha standing there. "Ay mi amor, why didn't you shout for me? I would have helped you if you yelled for me." Alexia questioned.

"Ay dios mío Ale, it's only one ankle the other one still works fine, I can do some things for myself although I do appreciate the help and will definitely take you up on it when I want the princess treatment." Samantha answered back.

Alexia let out a laugh at her girlfriend's stubbornness of not allowing her to help whilst turning back to the stove to continue cooking the paella for the both of them.

About 40 minutes later the two women settled into  their chairs at the table and began to tuck into their dinner.

"Ale, you know you shouldn't be blaming Mapi for this, right?" Samantha asked.

Alexia glared at Samantha. "I know but in a training session there's no need to slide in as carelessly and as recklessly as that."

"It wasn't Mapi's fault, my studs were caught in the ground thats what caused the injury, Mapi was just unfortunate with the timing of the challenge in that exact moment." Samatha added.

"I feel bad now, I shouldn't have yelled at Mapi without knowing what happened and I also shouldn't have given her the death stare." Alexia said.

There wasn't much Alexia Putellas ever regretted but that was one thing she most definitely did regret. Samantha picked up on the immediate change in her girlfriends emotions.

"Hey hey, you were just being protective, Mapi will understand. She's been equally as protective over Ingrid if not worse. How about we move to the living room and cosy up on the couch and watch New Girl?"  Samatha asked.

"You're right she most definitely has. I like the sound of that mi amor but only on the term of me carrying you to the couch."

"Fine." Samatha said through giggles.

Alexia carried Samatha over to the couch and the two got cosy together, Samatha resting her head on Alexia's chest.

"Te amo mucho, mi reina." Samatha said.

"Te amo mucho, torpe." Alexia said trying her hardest not to let a laugh escape.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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