chapter two- the infection.

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After a few minutes of silence Grizzy stood up and started the ship, heading to a moon. Everyone questions where their going. Once they land Grizzy immediately leaves and heads towards the building. Droid recognized the area and got filled with panic, yelling out towards Grizzy, "GRIZZY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Grizzy just ignores him and heads towards the entrance, Droid and Puffer following. He walks in and sees a small puddle of blood drying on the floor. He goes out and explores the area, looking for Pezzy. Droid and Puffer head inside and search for him, going separate ways. They each yell out towards Grizzy, nervous on how they are going to find him.

Grizzy runs around, soon he finds a door that has a few bloody handprints on it, he hesitates but opens it. He looks around the room in search of Pezzy and soon he sees him reveal himself from the shadows, mask glowing brighter now and as terrifying as always. Grizzy's body slowly fills with anxiety and he stays in place, frozen with fear.

Pezzy slowly walks towards him, arms out forward. He stops in-front of him and Grizzy feels relief throughout his body. Grizzy sighs and closes his eyes in happiness, before he could speak he felt his face being covered. He opens his eyes quickly to see a dark red light covering them.

Grizzy try's and take off the mask as he panics, screaming loudly for help. The mask fills his head with mind-numbing thoughts as he slowly goes quiet. The mask taking over his brain, as Puffer runs inside noticing them both. He sighs in relief as Grizzy turns around and faces him, showing the mask. Droid runs up behind him, noticing the mask. He harshly grabs his non-damaged arm and runs out of the building, dragging Puffer behind.

They run onto the ship and shut the doors, heading off towards the Company Building. Their hearts are racing and their breathing heavy. They regain their breath as Puffer speaks up, "What. The. Fuck. Happened."

Droid shrug's, "I-I don't even know." They sit in silence as they try and register what has happened. Droid thought for a moment and stood up quickly, routing the ship back towards the moon once more.

"What the fuck are you doing, Droid?!" Puffer yelled out, Droid just ignored him. Once the ship lands he runs out and heads towards the building, entering and screaming out for Pezzy and Grizzy.

Puffer runs after Droid, yelling for him to stop and come back. He enters the building, seeing Droid run down the hallway with a small blood trail. He yells out towards him but he just ignores the screams. Puffer groans as he runs towards him, following him inside.

They both search around, Droid determined to find Grizzy and Pezzy. He finds an empty room, searching around but finds a shovel with a bit of dried blood. He picks it up, Puffer questions the decision as Droid continues on. They both walk into a huge, open room, still in search for their friends.

Droid separates off, ignoring Puffers cries, heading into the darkness. Puffer whines as he heads off towards the opposite direction. Droid finds a dead end, sighing as the spins around. Pezzy stands behind him, dead silent, dead still.

Droid raises the shovel in defense, waiting until the masked man moved closer. Pezzy stood for a moment, soon running towards him with another mask in hand. Droid panics as he starts swinging the shovel as protection, only for it to hit him and have no effect.

He stands in shock, letting his guard down as Pezzy shoves the mask in his face. Droid snaps back to reality as he screams in terror, trying to pry the mask off. He struggles for what felt like hours as the mask takes over, controlling his body and mind.

Puffer hears Droid's cries in the distance, racing over in hopes he was okay, he wasn't. He turns the corner, heading towards the dead end as he spots Droid. Puffer sighs as he spins around, revealing the mask that was now plastered to his face, Puffer's body floods with anxiety as he starts to shake.

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