chapter 4- fighting back.

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"WHAT." everyone screams together, all shocked at the news.

"How?! The mask got like destroyed." Droid spoke out as Smii7y shrugged. Everyone looked at eachother with confusion.

"I don't know. I just saw Matt with a mask on, and i saw-" Smii7y paused, looking behind everyone. He hesitated, "Pezzy."

"How did you see Pezzy? He was here the entire time!" Grizzy screamed, looking from Pezzy to Smii7y. Smii7y looked at his feet and shrugged. Everyone felt sick, especially Puffer. He just sat near Pezzy, gazing at him every few seconds.

"We need to fucking do something. We need to destroy this shit and get this all over with." Grizzy shouted, pacing around the ship.

Droid groaned, "Every-time we try, it just repeats. There's no use to doing anything, it's just gonna start again." Every agrees as Grizzy continues to pace, shaking quite a bit.

Every so often Puffer would look over at Pezzy and just stare, hoping he'd start to show signs of anything. Nothing.

Grizzy ran out the ship, ignoring everyone screaming at him to return. As he ran inside he followed along the blood trail that painted the ground. Following the trail, finding Matt standing in a corner, facing the wall as heaving breathing echoed the halls.

Matt turned slowly, walking towards Grizzy as he slowed backed away. Grizzy froze, getting slowly infected as Matt threw up a weird substance into his face, a mask appearing as Grizzy fought back.

Everyone else stood in shock, standing completely still and silent. Once they came back to reality, each ran out the building back into the ship. Everyone huffed out in exhaustion, trying to catch their breathes. All looked around as Smii7y spoke out, "Where the fuck is Puffer."

Back in the building, Puffer stood still, slightly scooting back every few seconds as Grizzy and Matt walked slowly towards him. His heart raced as he ran off, loosing where the entrance was and just ran into a room. He sat in a corner, covering his mouth and slowing his breath.

Footsteps could be heard outside the door as it opened. The steps entered the room and soon walked out, ignoring Puffer. Puffer sighed out quietly as he stood up, spotting a shovel and quickly grasping it.

He walked around the building, feeling the air get thicker and thicker by the minute. Silent footsteps were directly behind him as arms wrapped around his neck and another figure moved out of the shadows, infecting him.

In the ship everyone was panicking as Smii7y announced, "If nobody is going to do anything, then there's no point of staying! Lets just go back, and forget this even happened."

"What the fuck? No, we can't just do that. We need to do something about this, we can't just let this go on." Droid screamed, causing Pezzy to flinch a bit. No one noticed him moving, instead started to argue with each-other.

"Shut the fuck up, Droid! We need to do something, and if your not gonna do anything. I'm going to do something." Smii7y shouted as he sprinted out the ship, into the building.

Droid just rolled his eyes, sitting on the cot next to Pezzy's as just stared. He muttered out, "I really hope your okay Pezzy."

Smii7y swings open the door, slamming it and rushes to find his friends. Finding a room, he searched every inch. A figure is standing still and silent in a corner, just standing. Smii7y looked at it confused, locking eyes as it ran forward and infecting him as well.

In the shop, Droid waited and waited for somebody to come back, but nobody did. His fingers were linked with Pezzy's lifeless ones, slightly rubbing his knuckles. Every second Droid became more and more impatient, standing up and speaking out, "Ill be back Pezzy, don't worry."

Shutting the ship door, he carefully walked towards the building as a few dogs roamed the outside. Once inside he looked around and heading into the non-open door. Droid studied every room quickly as he continued walking around.

He found nothing, or he thought. Droid entered a closed off room, cautiously looking around as he spotted Grizzy standing in the middle of the room. He tensed up, horrified at the figure of his friend covered in a weird substance and blood.

The figure swiftly turned around and stared at Droid. He froze in place, seeing the figure run towards him. Droid just stood, letting the figure take him over as he heard footsteps behind him. Soon the figure was knocked to the ground, the mask flying off and shattering.

Someone turned around and locked eyes with Droid, it was Pezzy. A huge scar tan across his face from his eyebrow down to his chin. Droid felt a wave of relief ran throughout his body as he ran up and engulfed Pezzy in a tight squeeze. Pezzy returned the hug, slightly rubbing his back and whispered, "I'm glad your okay."

Droid felt tears form in his eyes as they broke the hug, just staring at each-other. Pezzy moved his hand up to his arm and comfortably rubbed it, whispering, "Where is everyone else."

Droid just shrugged, wiping away the stray tears. Pezzy instructed, "Okay, head back to the ship. I'm going to try and find everyone, if you feel the need to leave.Then leave, okay?"

Droid nodded, sprinting back to the ship as Pezzy went the opposite way. Once finding another room, he searched throughout it and spotted another figure in the corner. Pezzy raced over to his, swinging the shovel against his face. The mask flew off and broke into fragments as Grizzy huffed out.

He looked up, expecting Smii7y or Droid but seeing Pezzy. Grizzy felt his body relax, clinging on to Pezzy tightly. Pezzy returns it as he orders him to return to the ship. Once Grizzy does he go out and finds everyone else

He found Smii7y sitting in a corner, sobbing. Pezzy carefully walks over to him, squatting next to him. He rubbed his back as Smii7y looked up at him with teary eyes and wrapped his arms around him. Pezzy laughed a bit as he pulled him up and directed him to go back to the ship.

Pezzy looked around for a final time, before walking back to the entrance. He stopped and stared at Matt standing directly in-front of the door. Matt just stood silently, staring at Pezzy.

Pezzy rose his shovel in the air, waiting for Matt to move towards him but he just stayed still. Finally Pezzy noticed the mask on the floor, shattered. He dropped the shovel as Matt ran towards him and hugged him tightly. After a second they both limped out the building back to the ship.

Everyone spotted them and sighed in relief, running towards them to help. Once all of them were seated, everyone was silent. Droid spoke, "Let's pray to fucking god this is all over with."

Everyone agrees as they all set off towards the company building as a few fall into a deep sleep. Some didn't just yet as each just sat and whispered to each-other.

Weeks and weeks after the incident they grew even closer than before. Nobody ever spotted one of those masks again, thankfully it didn't happen again. But once day Tragedy might strike again, but comedy will forever rise.

A/N 1.2K WORDS. HOLY SHIT THIS IS DONE. anyways i'm in the car rn so here's this little chapter :3
hope you guys have a wonderful day/night, eat, sleep, drink water. bye!! love ya <3

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