chapter 3- the loop.

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Everyone sat in silence, barely moving, never talking. Each one of them took turns, eyes darting towards pezzy, making sure he was okay. They didn't know for sure if he was okay, but the possibility of him being seemed low.

The ship headed towards the Company Building for the last time, landing gently as each of them got off. Smii7y and Matt sat outside waiting for them, spotting them and running towards each of them.

They embraced each-other in a hug or relief and Smii7y spoke out, "What the fuck happened. Are you guys okay? Wheres Pezzy?"

Grizzy explained, "This freaky mask thing like controlled me, Droid, and Pezzy. Thankfully we escaped unhurt but Pezzy, uh, I don't even know."

Puffer sighed as he looked down, "I knocked the mask off his face and it left a ginormous fucking scar. He started bleeding and i didn't know what to do."

Grizzy and Droid looked at him with remorse as they nodded, Matt and Smii7y just standing in silence, trying to take the information in. Everyone was quiet, the world was silent. Nobody knew what to do, suddenly Matt's voice boomed out, "I'm going to the moon. We need to figure this shit out."

Everyone else looked up in panic as they watched him head back to the ship, starting it and leaving towards the moon. They all rushed together, heading back towards the other ship and taking off behind Matt.

Matt headed off inside, searching for whatever creature starting this fucking chaos. He rushes around the building, running into multiple different rooms. Matt finally stops at a empty room, sighing heavily before turning around to head back. A figure stops him in his tracks, it was Pezzy.

Matt questions why Pezzy was moving around but just brushed it off, slowly walking towards him. He sighs, "Hey Pezzy, Uh- Are you okay? Well by the looks of it you are- i mean, uhm. You seem fine now! its just, like. shouldn't you be-"

His voice became muffled by a cold mask hits his face, slightly suffocating him. He screams out in terror, still muffled by the mask as he slowly quiets. The cycle restarts.

Everyone is sitting outside, impatient for Matt's return. Droid yelled out, "We can't keep waiting! I'm going inside and none of you can stop me."

Droid begins to sprint inside, searching for Matt. Grizzy rolls his eyes as he runs after him, Smii7y right behind them. Puffer thinks about leaving be decides to stay with Pezzy, making sure he doesn't get hurt more than he already is.

Each of them head inside, going the same route insure nobody gets attacked. Droid takes lead with Smii7y behind him and Grizzy in the back. All of them walked cautiously around l, searching for Matt.

After a few minutes of worrying from Puffer, questioning from Grizzy, Droid being slightly annoyed, and Smii7y determined they finally found Matt. They all sighed in happiness as Smii7y walked towards him, arms out wide.

Matt slowly walks towards him, the mask slowly fading out of the shadows. Droid notices the mask, panicking a bit as he grabs Smii7y harshly, pulling him away, "That's not Matt."

Grizzy also notices the mask as he starts sprinting out, Droid and Smii7y following close behind. They run out, heading back to the ship in a panic. They enter it, shutting the door quickly and hyperventilated as they stood in the doorway.

Puffer questions their actions as his voice fills with concern, "What the fuck."

Each of them starting talking all at once before Puffer silenced them, allowing Smii7y to speak, "The mask. I dont know how or even when but, it got Matt."

a/n: sorry this chapters short i've just been unmotivated and having a shit day so i'm sorry guys, anyways love y'all <3

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