Chapter 2 - Fate is Not Kind But Never Heartless

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Waking up, I stare at another unfamiliar ceiling...

"Good morning."

That familiar voice...

"Good morning, Shirasagi-san..."

I said, getting up from the couch I slept on and fixed my eyes on her.

"I thought I told you to call me much more casually."

She stated.

"...Chisato...san...thank you for letting me stay the night..."

I replied, getting up and fixing the place I slept on.

"It's a good thing my dad was willing to let you stay, much less lend you some clothes. Well, seeing as you did save me after all, it was hard for him to refuse."

She said, handing me my uniform.

"You even cleaned it for me...thank you..."

I said, to be honest, I felt like fate was just kicking me down a second time...

"Seeing as you were forced to fight against your will to save me, putting your life on the line. Your house burned down as well, so this much is nothing. Did you get your finances in order?"

She replied before asking me the last part. I nodded and gave her a list.

"It seems my parents left me a fair share. Enough for me to finish Highschool at least. After this, I need to find a job while I'm in college..."

I said, realizing my situation.

But what bothers me the most is...

"You aren't the only fated one."

What did he mean...and he said I'm supposed to change the fate of this world...? How am I supposed to do that with a card...

Well, I was reincarnated here from another it is likely this card has some...powers...?


"Oh, sorry...I'll get ready."

I said, taking a quick shower and put my uniform on. smells nice...

After walking out the bathroom in my uniform, I looked at her, she was also in uniform with a smile on her face.

"Thank you..."

I said.

"No problem, let's go."

The day was going along like any other, except...


Someone called out to her, Chisato-san turned around, and I stopped walking since she stopped to greet whoever called out to her.

"Chisato-chan, let's walk to school together!"

She exclaimed, turning to me.

"Hm? Who's this?"

The girl asked. Her hair is pink, almost fluffy. She must be a good friend of Chisato-san...

They were staring at me, like they were waiting for something.

I then turned slowly in order to make my way to school, but Chisato-san stopped me.

"Introduce yourself."

She said with a smile as she gently held my wrist.

"Kikuchi Kage..."

I said, moving myself next to Chisato-san.

"Nice to meet you, Kikuchi-san! I'm Maruyama Aya, the fluffy pink idol!"

She exclaimed. Knew it, fluffy something...

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