Chapter 1: Restless

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Y/N's POV:

"Y/n, come on! let's go~" An angelic voice calls out. Looking around, it was a sunny day, with the sun shining so brightly that I could barely see the figure standing in front of me. "Y/n! y/n!" The figure keeps calling out. Using my hand to block the glare, I squinted my eyes to focus on the figure's face, but I couldn't see anything.

"Y/n, what are you doing? You need to wake up!" The voice says, confused. I step close to the figure and reach my hand out; it is immediately slapped away. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" The voice grew louder and slowly shifted from a soft, angelic voice to a man's. Shocked at the sudden change, I took a step back.



"AISH!" Jolting up, I held my face and quickly looked around. Slowly adjusting my eyes, I saw was back at the convenience store.

"Finally, you're up! You're such a heavy sleeper." A familiar voice spoke. looking over, I saw Younghoon standing on the other side of the counter.

"Oh, it's just you."

"Just me? You should be glad it's just me and not a real customer, if they report your ass to the owner, you'll be out of a job, dumbass," he said while I rubbed my eyes. Looking over at the clock, it was half past midnight, and I still had ten more hours on my shift. Grabbing a plastic box from under the registers, I got up and began walking around the store, throwing any product past its expiration date into the crate.

"Hoon, are you hungry?" I asked as I tossed him a rice triangle. Sitting down at one of the indoor tables with Younghoon across, we began snacking on the contents inside the box.

"So any luck lately on those job applications?" Hoon asked as he went through the box, picking out his favorite snacks.

"Nah, I haven't heard anything. Four months, man. It's been four months since we graduated, and I've been applying for jobs every single day, but this bastard doesn't even give me the time of day." I complained as I took a bite. Letting out a heavy sigh, I looked out onto the street and saw people going out about their nightlife. "Like, look at those people, they get to enjoy their night, go drink, and eat with friends while I'm stuck here working late night and early morning shifts because the owner wants to go to Jeju Island."

"Yeah, you look like a mess, man. If you want, I could ask my dad, recycling ain't bad." Hoon continues to convince me to go work for his dad.

"For the last time. I'm not working for your dad, he wants you to join him, not me." Rolling his eyes, he grabbed a few more items from the box before standing up.

"Whatever, man, I got to go home now. I just wanted to check up on you to make sure you're alive."

"Check up on me or get free food?"

"Both!" he shouted before waving and walking out the doors, letting out another sigh. I went back behind the register with the box, snacking on them one by one to fill the void of boredom and loneliness while scrolling through my phone. swiping past one post after the other, seeing all of my friends' interesting lives, even Younghoon, I threw the phone and slammed my head on the counter.

"WHY MUST I LIVE JUST A LAME LIFE?" I groan, watching the clock spin. The ticking grew louder, slowly drowning out every other sound around. Feeling tired again, my eyes slowly grew heavy.

"I need to get a better job." I quietly mumble before slowly drifting away.





Jolting up from the sudden sound, I felt the blood in my head slowly shift, causing a slight irritation.

"Welcome in..." I groggily shouted, and while adjusting my neck and head and rubbing my face, I looked around the store to see a customer going through the shelves. My eyes were too tired for me to make out any sort of detail about them. Watching them with heavy eyes, they came up to the counter, and I slowly began scanning their items. Finishing up the transaction, I glanced up at them, their faces had a slight familiarity to them, but they turned and left before I could get a better look.

Crashing back down onto my chair, I massaged my face, trying to wake up. Taking deep breaths, I reluctantly got up and decided to do some side work, such as restocking products, mopping the floor, an inventory check, and a cash count. Time slowly but surely went by, but not quickly enough to where I could go home.

'Sleep. I need sleep. I want to sleep forever.'


With an aching body and heavy eyes, I stared at the clock, watching the small needle slide around. I anxiously waited for my fourteen-hour shift to be over. I tried napping here and there, but surprisingly, there were more customers than usual tonight, so I could barely get more than five or ten minutes of shut eyes before someone came in.


Looking over at the door, there I saw my savior. Min Nam-soon is the person taking over for me.

"Woah, you look like a mess, Y/N. Why didn't you just sleep? It's not like their customer at two o'clock in the morning. Staring at them with dead, tired eyes. I got up from my seat and walked around the counter, throwing my vest at them. Slowly making my way to the door, I heard Nam-soon calling me.

"Hey, you forgot this!" Turning around, they handed me a small slip of paper. Too tired to care, I crumbled up the paper in my hand and shoved it into my pocket before walking out.

Sluggishly walking down the street, people pass by me with disgusted looks; some even move out of the way when they see me approaching as if I look infected.

"Omo, he looks like a zombie. How could someone go out looking like that?" A lady said to her friend as I walked past them

'Well, you try working a fourteen-hour shift, lady.'

Eventually making it to my apartment, I stumbled up the steps and into my house, and with a wave of relief that I was finally home, I quickly made my way to bed and crashed down on it, feeling the cold yet comforting blanket and pillow. It felt like I was floating on a cloud, and all my problems just melted away.

'Finally home...'


















End Of Chapter 1.

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