Chapter 2: Free Night

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Y/n's POV:

"I already told you, I'm not doing it! Not then, not now, not in the future, and especially not when you're alive!" I shouted, slamming my hands onto the table.

"Is this how I raised you to be? To shout at your father when he has given you everything in life?"

"Raise me? HA! Is that what you call it? You made my childhood miserable. I had no one growing up, and when I did, you immediately forced them away." Clenching my fist, I pushed my seat back and stood up, glaring at my father. I straightened my jacket before picking up my bag and beginning to walk away.

"Get back here this instant, you ungrateful bastard! Don't you walk away from me!" My father yelled, not giving a single care. I continued out of his study room. Slamming the doors behind me, his shouts still managed to get past me. He cursed and insulted me, but his words bore no meaning to me. Walking out of the house, I passed by the garden, and looking over, I saw my mother kneeling beside the fountain. Her sight focused on the water, and her presence was the complete opposite of my father's. She was calming, caring, and sweet. Standing and watching her, all the anger I just felt disappeared; it faded like they weren't there to begin with. Taking a deep breath, I bowed to her.

"Bye Mom, I'm going to school now. I'll see you in a few months; I'll come visit as much as I can." I said in a low voice, and seeing her still focused on the water, I bowed one more time before walking out the front gates.

Standing outside the house, I looked around the neighborhood; the street was empty and quiet. Looking up at the sky, I closed my eyes and stood in the sunlight. A feeling of peace wrapped around me like a hug or a blanket, and the warmth from the sun along with the distant sound of the city made me feel something I didn't understand but enjoyed.

Slowly opening my eyes, I found myself in bed, the sun shining through my blinds and the sound of the busy street lying underneath. It was just a dream or a memory. Getting up, I stretched my arms and body, looking at the time; it was almost five in the evening.

'My sleep schedule is completely fucked'

Letting out a heavy sigh, I reached for my phone. Seeing some message notification.

[Boss: You have the night off tonight.] [Come in tomorrow at 8 p.m. for your next shift.]

[Younghoon]: Yo, me and the guys are going to go drink. [Come join us if you're free, we're meeting up at 6.]

Staring at Younghoon's message, I thought back to the last time I hung out with my friends; it must've been when we graduated. Seeing the opportunity to relax for once and not work a night shift, I dropped my phone and jumped up. Walking to my closet and grabbing some fresh clothes, I hopped into the shower to get ready.


Walking to the restaurant where my group usually goes to drink and eat, I was feeling great that I had the night off to hang out with friends again. Arriving at the spot, I walked inside and spotted them already starting to drink. Seeing Younghoon facing away from the door, I quietly approached him from behind.

"First shot of the night, boys! Chee-"

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" I shouted while grabbing him by his shoulders, scaring him and causing him to drop his glass.

"Oh fuxkin shi-dude, what the hell!" He shouts, holding his chest while picking the cup off the floor. The group and I burst into laughter as I sat down next to him.

"Just messing with you, Hoon. Here, let me pour you a shot." Picking up the bottle of soju, I filled his cup as he glared at me with a look of disgust.

"Yeah, you pour me a new one." He says this before raising his hand. "Excuse me, ma'am, another glass, please." Quickly, a worker comes by with another shotglass. Handing it to me, I poured myself a shot, and the whole group raised their cups.

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