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The next day, Virat, nursing the hurt from the previous night's confrontation with Rohit, decided to bury his feelings deep within and unintentionally began avoiding Rohit. The once warm exchanges turned into awkward glances and hesitant smiles.

Meanwhile, Rohit, regretting the heated exchange, decided to mend the friendship. He approached Virat, "Hey, Vi, can we talk? I didn't mean to snap at you yesterday."

Virat, still grappling with his own emotions, mumbled an excuse, "I'm busy, Rohit. Maybe some other time."

Rohit, persistent in fixing the rift, followed Virat and noticed him spending time with Rahuliya, another friend. A pang of jealousy hit Rohit, realizing that he might have hurt Virat more than he thought.

Later that day, Rohit mustered the courage to confront Virat, finding him alone. "Vi, we need to talk. I feel like I messed up, and I don't want things to be weird between us."

Virat, suppressing his true feelings, put on a brave face, "It's fine, Rohit. Forget about it. I'm just busy."

Rohit, not convinced by Virat's nonchalant demeanor, insisted, "No, Vi, this isn't okay. Let's sort it out. I don't want us to drift apart."

As they talked, Rahuliya joined them, sensing the tension. Trying to ease the atmosphere, Rahuliya suggested, "Why don't we all hang out together? It might help lighten the mood."

Virat, in an effort to mask his inner turmoil, agreed, "Sure, let's do that."

As they spent time together, Virat's heart silently ached, witnessing Rohit's genuine effort to mend their friendship. The unintended distance between them lingered, leaving Virat to grapple with his hidden feelings and the complex dynamics of their relationship.

They all were together Enjoying their Time when handsome guy Approach them , Vi seeing him called out , "aari"      As Aari approached Virat, Rohit's jealousy flared up, his discomfort evident as he couldn't bear to see Vi giving attention to someone else. Rahuliya, perceptive as always, asked innocently, "Who's this, Vi?"

Aari, seizing the moment, responded with a playful smile, "Oh, just a friend. But you know, he's got a crush on me here." He gestured towards Virat, making Rohit's unease palpable.  "Stop lying you idiot" Vi said Playfully.

      Rohit's confession echoed in the quiet space between them, and Virat, caught off guard, felt a rush of conflicting emotions. Rohit's concern for their friendship and the mention of Aari added another layer of complexity to the situation.

Virat, looking down, finally spoke, "Ro, I appreciate your honesty. I never intended for things to become complicated. But about Aari, he's just my cousin. There's something I haven't told you."

Rohit, surprised, looked at Virat with curiosity. Virat continued, "I've had feelings for you for years. I stayed away, not wanting to ruin our friendship. Seeing you with Yuvi ,both of you spending time with each made me feel like I was losing you."

Rohit's eyes widened in realization, the complexity of their emotions unraveling. "Vi, I had no idea. Me and Yuvi are like brother."

Virat, his own confession hanging in the air, continued, "I never stopped loving you, Ro. I stayed away out of jealousy, thinking it was for the best. But I can't deny my feelings any longer."

The weight of unspoken emotions filled the space around them, a mixture of surprise, realization, and an underlying current of love. Rohit, processing the revelation, spoke with a gentle smile, "Vi, maybe we've been dancing around our feelings for too long. Let's figure this out together."

In that moment, the barriers that kept them apart began to crumble, and the truth, though complicated, paved the way for a new chapter in Virat and Rohit's relationship. The journey ahead, filled with untangled emotions, held the promise of discovering love that had been silently woven between them for years.

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