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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the cricket field as the match concluded. Virat, AB, and Faf gathered near the boundary, relishing the camaraderie that had become a defining aspect of their friendship. Little did they know, the dynamics of their relationships were about to take an unexpected turn.

As the trio chatted, Faf exchanged a knowing look with Maxwell, his mischievous grin revealing a well-kept secret. Faf had noticed the unspoken tension between Virat and AB, and he believed it was time for the truth to surface. With Maxwell in on the plan, they concocted a scheme to nudge AB into realizing his true feelings for Virat.

Faf, unable to contain his excitement, whispered to Maxwell, "Let's play the jealousy card. If AB sees Virat getting attention from someone else, maybe it'll kickstart his realization."

Maxwell, always up for a bit of mischief, chuckled, "Alright, let's give it a shot. But we need Virat on board too."

Faf approached Virat with a sly grin, "Hey mate, we've been thinking. It's time to shake things up a bit. How about some friendly banter to keep things interesting?"

Virat raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Faf's proposal. "Friendly banter? What are you up to, Faf?"

Faf winked, "Just trust me on this. We'll make it entertaining. Deal?"

Virat hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded, "Alright, let's see where this goes."

Little did Virat know, the plan involved Maxwell pretending to flirt with him during their post-match celebration. As the evening unfolded, the trio found themselves at a local cafe, surrounded by laughter and the clinking of glasses.

Maxwell, following the script, approached Virat with a charming smile, "Hey Virat, you played a great game today. Mind if I join you for a drink?"

Virat, aware of the plan, played along, "Sure, Maxi. Why not?"

Faf discreetly observed the interaction, his eyes darting between Virat, Maxwell, and AB. As Maxwell engaged Virat in light banter, Faf leaned over to AB and whispered, "Watch and learn, my friend."

AB, initially engrossed in his own thoughts, looked up at the unfolding scene. His brow furrowed as he noticed Virat and Maxwell sharing laughs. A twinge of unease settled in AB's chest, an unfamiliar feeling he couldn't quite place.

Faf nudged AB, "See that, AB? Sometimes, we need a little push to realize what's right in front of us."

AB squinted, trying to decipher the cryptic message. "What are you talking about, Faf?"

Faf grinned, "Just keep watching, mate. It's all part of the plan."

As the evening progressed, Maxwell's playful banter with Virat continued. AB, unable to ignore the growing discomfort, excused himself from the table, needing a moment to process his emotions.

Alone on the cafe terrace, AB gazed into the distance, his mind a whirlwind of confusion. Faf joined him, offering a reassuring pat on the back. "AB, sometimes we need a little nudge to see things clearly. Virat has been a constant in your life. Don't let someone else take that away."

AB sighed, "But what if I've been blind to something important?"

Faf smirked, "You're not blind, AB. You're just taking a scenic route to realization. Trust me; it's worth the journey."

Back at the table, Virat, sensing AB's unease, excused himself and followed his friend outside. "Biscuit, is everything okay?"

AB hesitated, his eyes avoiding Virat's gaze. "I... I don't know, biscooti. Seeing you and Maxwell, it just made me feel... strange."

Virat took a step closer, his voice softening, "Biscuit, we've been through so much together. If something's bothering you, I want to know."

AB finally looked into Virat's eyes, vulnerability etched across his face. "I think I've been oblivious to something important, Biscooti."

Virat, understanding the gravity of the moment, gently placed a hand on AB's shoulder. "Tell me, AB. Whatever it is, we'll face it together."

AB took a deep breath, "I think... I think I may have feelings for you, Biscooti. More than just friendship."

Virat's heart skipped a beat, a mix of surprise and joy flooding his senses. "Biscuit, you have no idea how long I've waited to hear that."

As they stood under the moonlit sky, AB and Virat shared a moment of clarity. The realization of their feelings brought a warmth that surpassed the flickering candlelight of the cafe. Meanwhile, Faf and Maxwell discreetly watched from afar, their plan unfolding with the desired effect.

AB, now aware of his own heart, looked at Virat with newfound understanding. "I never realized how much you meant to me, Virat. I'm sorry it took me this long."

Virat smiled, "No apologies needed, my Biscuit The important thing is that we're here now."

As the trio reunited at the table, Faf and Maxwell exchanged triumphant glances. The atmosphere buzzed with a renewed energy, and the friends continued to celebrate under the starry night.

Over time, AB and Virat's relationship deepened, their love growing stronger with each passing day. Faf and Maxwell, satisfied with their matchmaking adventure, toasted to the success of love and friendship.

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