Chapter Fourteen

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"Wait, are you serious?" Fiona asked as she bounced in her armchair on the balcony with excitement for Kanda as she gazed at her through loving eyes. "Why didn't you tell me? We could have celebrated!"

"I think we did plenty of that last night." Her girlfriend replied in a rather sultry tone, prompting her to get up.

Fiona made it over to her and sat sideways in her lap. "So last night was enough? You've had your fill of me?"

Kanda giggled and wrapped her up in her arms after setting her coffee aside, then kissed her cheek. "I don't think I could ever get enough of you."

"Good answer, sweetheart." She kissed Kanda's cheek, then laid along her chest, tracing her fingers along the love marks littering her exposed clavicle. She still wore her tank after returning from their morning hike around the water and a pair of board shorts as her bottoms. The staggering differences in their physiques was pretty ridiculous, but Fiona quite enjoyed how well their bodies fit together. It appeared Kanda had no complaints either. That much was obvious after how long they spent intertwined last night, only coming up for air when the morning sun was beginning to show. "Either way, do you know how proud I am of you? You're going to be a talent scout! Travel! You'll get everything you ever told me about!"

"And then some." Kanda jested as she rubbed her hand up and down Fiona's arm, making her prop herself and kiss her. "And I'm pretty proud of myself, but I'm not big on the idea of being gone from you so often. Still, I can't pass up the opportunity. You...understand that, right?"

"Of course, Kanda. And I would have it no other way. What makes you happy, makes me happy." At this Kanda full-on smiled and cupped her cheek, rubbing their noses together.

"Thank you." Pulling back, she poked Fiona's nose with a single digit and scrunched up her own with a darkness in her eyes. Devilishly smirking her way as she gathered her in, Kanda laid a well placed series of pats to her buttock and kept her hand there. "Although, you could come with me on occasion. Travel together...? Maybe?"

"I think," Fiona placed a string of kisses over her face, running the length of her cheek with her lips until she met hers. After leaving a peck there as a promise for more, Fiona finally leaned back and brushed away the errant hairs along her forehead as she spoke. "That would be lovely. And as long as I have plenty of time to prepare, you know I'd have to arrange things with my patients, then I'm game."

"Yeah? Well, my first job will take me to Cali. That alright?"

"Considering I've never done much traveling, as long as I'm with you, then anywhere is perfect. I also really want to see you in action." She laid back down along Kanda's chest and played with her collarbone again, smirking at her love marks and connecting them with her finger as if they were the most captivating constellation.



"Would to move in together...maybe after a few more months?" At this she sat up again and found Kanda having grown red like a tomato. "I-I mean... Um, I know we live very close together already, but...I don't know... Waking up to you laying beside me was amazing. Being able to see Chloe more often than just Saturdays would also be a major plus and...I just don't want us to wait and--"

Fiona stilled her flurry of words with a finger along her lips. "As much as I love being around you as often as I can be, you know me, Kanda. Things take...a bit more time with me. I'm sorry, but could we start with," She thought for a moment, then as if a light bulb went off overhead, she added, "You sleeping over more often. If it's gradual, I think that it may be a bit easier for me. Please, say something..."

Kanda was sending her that knowing smirk and helped her to her feet, following soon thereafter and taking her hands into her own before tucking them between her breasts. "Fiona Kokkinos, nothing would make me happier. I had a feeling your reply may be along those lines and like you always say, I'm game if you are."

Feeling respected, loved and even more adored than she could ever call to mind, Fiona jumped up into Kanda's arms and kissed her as if it were life itself. "I love you!"

"I love you, too."

Finally, life made sense again. Fiona lost so much over the years, focusing on that and nothing else as she harbored herself away from society more and more. That was a status of the past. Throw caution to the wind, Fiona. What have you got to lose? Her mother's voice said in her mind and she smiled at her memory, a feat of which she wasn't sure she would have accomplished without the woman holding her close. This was the thing her mother desired for her. This was the relationship her sister and niece always claimed she deserved. This was the future her father always knew she would have one day.

Happiness. And oh, did it abound out of every seam when with the love of her life. Her Kanda Boon-Nam. Fiona kissed her with everything she had and took her hand, leading her inside their rented vacation home and ready for the best adventure life had to offer.

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