C1: Loving support

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As MC woke up with a gentle yawn, she stretched her arms and gracefully descended the stairs, the soft fabric of her shorts and shirt swaying with her every step. Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of anticipation and curiosity as she scanned the surroundings for any signs of her beloved brothers.

Finding her way to the elegant dining table, adorned with delicate flowers and bathed in warm sunlight, they all eagerly awaited her arrival. The mischievous Satan, with his tousled hair and playful grin, was the first to greet her, his voice filled with affection. Levi, the shy and endearing otaku, chimed in with a shy "hiya," his cheeks slightly flushed.

As MC's gaze drifted further, she couldn't help but blush as the enchanting Asmo, draped in a silky robe, greeted her with a velvety voice, the adoration in his eyes shining through. The ever-hungry Beel, a gentle giant with a heart of gold, offered a warm smile between mouthfuls of his favorite treats. Belph, with his sleepy demeanor and unruly hair, managed to mumble a heartfelt "Hey... MC" despite the traces of a nap still lingering in his voice.

Mammon, the charming yet mischievous brother, couldn't contain his excitement and eagerly shouted, "Hey!" while trying to hide his fondness behind a cocky grin. And finally, there stood Lucifer, the strong and composed leader of the pack, his voice resonating with authority as he greeted MC with a dignified "Greetings, MC."

Even though MC was surrounded by her loved ones, each one cherishing her as deeply as she cherished them, an inexplicable feeling of not belonging lingered within her. Despite the countless special moments they had shared, filled with tender kisses and warm embraces, she still felt a sense of loneliness, as if a piece of her puzzle was missing.Asmo looked at Mc with concern, his usual playful demeanor fading away. "Honey, you don't look so happy. Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine worry. The rest of the demon brothers turned their attention to Mc, waiting for her response.

Mc tried to force a smile, attempting to brush off her inner turmoil. "I-I'm fine, just tired," she replied, her voice wavering slightly. Her answer didn't convince Lucifer, who had always been perceptive when it came to his human exchange student. He remained silent but nodded, silently acknowledging that there might be more to the situation than meets the eye.

As the demon brothers and Mc gathered their belongings and prepared for school, Mc couldn't shake off the strange, insecure feeling that lingered within her. She kept her head down, avoiding eye contact with anyone as she made her way to the gates of the school.

Upon entering the school grounds, a deep breath escaped Mc's lips, trying to calm her racing heart. However, as she moved through the bustling crowd of demons, she couldn't help but notice the countless pairs of eyes that were fixated on her. It felt as if she was under a microscope, every flaw and insecurity magnified for all to see.

A mixture of anxiety and self-doubt washed over her, making her question her place among these powerful and confident beings. She had always felt like an outsider, a mere human amidst demons, and now those lingering doubts seemed to claw at her mind more forcefully than ever before.

Mc clenched her fists, determined to push through the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume her. She reminded herself of her own worth, of the unique perspective and kindness she brought to the Devildom.
Demons started to whisper about her.

As the rumors about Mc's presence in the Devildom spread like wildfire, so did the whispers of disdain and mockery. The harsh words of the demons echoed in Mc's mind, intensifying the storm of emotions within her.

Feeling her heart sink, Mc quickened her pace, trying to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the crowded hallways. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision as she stumbled forward, her steps heavy with the weight of the hurtful words she had just heard.

Suddenly, a hand gently grabbed her arm, stopping her in her tracks. Looking up through teary eyes, Mc found herself face-to-face with Diavolo, his normally cheerful expression replaced with concern.

"Mc, what's wrong? Why did you run away like that?" Diavolo asked, his voice filled with worry.

Struggling to find her voice, Mc managed to choke out, "I heard... I heard what they were saying about me. They think I'm stupid... and ugly."

Diavolo's grip on her arm tightened, his eyes filled with anger. "Don't you dare believe them, Mc. Their words are nothing but empty cruelty. You are strong, intelligent, and beautiful in your own unique way. Never let their ignorance define you."

Barbatos, standing by Diavolo's side, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Mc. You bring a light to the Devildom that no one else can. Your presence is cherished, and your worth goes far beyond what anyone else says or thinks."

Tears continued to stream down Mc's face, but with Diavolo and Barbatos' unwavering support, a glimmer of hope began to shine through her despair. Their words became a shield against the hurtful comments, reminding her of her own value and the strength she possessed within.

Taking a deep breath, Mc wiped away her tears and straightened her posture.

As Mc wiped away her tears and straightened her posture, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

Turning her gaze towards Diavolo, Mc couldn't help but notice a hint of jealousy in his eyes, mixed with a blush that adorned his cheeks.

Barbatos, catching Diavolo's gaze, couldn't hide the blush that crept onto his own face. His heart skipped a beat as he found himself captivated by the sight of Mc's radiant smile. The realization of his own feelings made his cheeks flush, but he quickly composed himself, maintaining his calm and collected demeanor.

With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, Mc decided to tease the two of them a little. "Thank you, both of you. Your support means the world to me," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. She couldn't help but add a playful edge, knowing it would provoke a reaction.

Diavolo's glare intensified, mixed with a hint of playful annoyance. "You just had to make it difficult, didn't you?" he chuckled, his voice laced with affection. Despite his attempt to appear stern, his genuine care for Mc shone through, creating a magnetic pull between them.

Barbatos, still blushing, couldn't help but chuckle softly at Diavolo's reaction. "Indeed, Mc. You certainly know how to keep us on our toes," he admitted, his voice tinged with amusement. His eyes betrayed his hidden admiration for her spirit, as he admired her ability to bring joy and mischief into their lives.

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