1. Always Tequila Sunrise

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When Bonnie first signed up for stewardess training on a drunken dare after binge-watching Below Deck with her college roommate,Katherine it felt like a good idea. The thought of partying and traveling to exotic places while stacking a ridiculous amount of money made her insides warm and fuzzy. 

Or was that the beer? 

She couldn't be sure.

They'd spent the entire night ogling hot deckhands, and throwing popcorn at the screen when Kate Chasten got away with some because let's be real Captain Lee let that women get away with murder. Bonnie had never seen the show before but Katherine was beyond obsessed, commenting on every scene. 

"Oh my goddess," Bonnie groaned, wincing as she slurped her tequila sunrise, "this is the fucking dream, seriously" she gestured to the tv, the ice in her glass clinking, "where has this shit been my whole life"

"On TV, for like literally our entire teenage hood" Katherine laughed from where she laid on the floor, "Yes Queen Kate, fuck her up!" She screamed a second later, throwing popcorn at the screen when Kate Chasten started ripping into a young stewardess, 

"Ugh why is she so hot," Sitting up Katherine licked her lips cocking her head to the side, "like her tits are great right? She could run me through the ringer anytime"  

"I forgot though," The brunette said, finally glancing up at Bonnie who swayed in front of her, done with her fantasy. "your mom didn't let you watch tv during the week, that's why you've never seen it" 

"Because she didn't want me to know this kind of freedom exist," Bonnies voice was loud even in her own ears, making her wince and then chuckle. Sitting next to Katherine, she allowed the girl to throw her long legs into her lap. The brunette snuggled closer to the green eyed girl throwing her arms around her neck. She was always so touchy, something Bonnie had slowly adjusted to because no matter how much she pried her off, she always came back. Like herpes. 

"Anyone could this do." Bonnie breathed, mind running as she watched the drama play out on screen. 


"I could do this" Excitement skittered up her spine as she absentmindedly patted Kathrines knee. 

"oh fuck yeah, you could do the shit out of this" Katherine egged her on, "in fact" reaching behind her blindly, she slapped her hand around until she felt the smooth metal of Bonnie's laptop. Pulling it over her head, she flicked the top open and started typing furiously. 

Meanwhile Bonnie glared into the bottom of her glass. Empty, that was a problem. 

"Do it," Katherine finally said, dropping the laptop in front of her friend. Bonnie blinked, eyes adjusting to read the screen, to find an  application for Stewardess training, complete with placement on your first boat. 

She scoffed. 

"C'mon on you baby back bitch," Katherine goaded, voice taking on the tone she had when she was about to pressure Bonnie into something

"Katherine," It was more a whine than anything. 

"You said it, you could do it, you're so smart, you'd master fluffing these rich pricks" she gestured to the screen with her beer, " plus you're hot as fuck. I'd watch you any day" 

"Slut" Bonnie smirked. 

Katherine leaned over, licking her best friends face. "Always simping for you babe." She smiled even as Bonnie glared at her, "seriously what do you have to loose" 

"Hmmm" Bonnie hummed looking back at the computer screen. Taking Katherines beer from her hand, she chugged it quickly. 

"I dare you," Katherine teased, eyes full of mischief, "I double dog dare you Bon Bon" 

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