The Dumbassery

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(This is the only warning. There WILL be swearing. And also, story is 1st person.



New Years was horrible.

I almost got attacked and mind controlled by spiders.

That weird MK and his friends saved us.


I lost my job.

Rent is due, and I'm broke AF from phone bills.

...and I fell down a manhole.

Which is how we got here.

Fell down a manhole and now my dumbass is walking around.


I called out.

I heard a voice, but it certainly wasn't responding to me.

Then, I tripped and proceeded to fall further down this sewer.

I screamed before I was caught.... by a web?

I tried to move and squirm, but I couldn't move.

No matter what.

Then I heard footsteps.

Someone else was down here?

Maybe they can help me!

"H-hey? Hello??"

The footsteps paused. Then the figure emerged from the corner.

I made a grave mistake.

The figure was one of the three spider demons who attacked Megopolis with the Spider Queen. His hair was gray and pulled back. He wore this jacket that was rather fluffy around the collar. He had four eyes. Pure green with brighter, almost lime pupils.

"Ooooh~? Well, what do we have here?" He chuckled darkly. His voice was so... raspy.

"You, uh.... need a cough drop?" I chuckled nervously.

"No... but here. Let me help you darling."

"Don't call me that!"

He chuckled even more, stepping closer before getting me out of the web I stuck in.

"GAH!-" I fell to the floor. He... helped me? "....uhm..... thank you?" The spider helped me to my feet, yanking on the sleeve of my (favorite color) hoodie.

"Oh, don't thank me. It wasn't for you, sweet thing."

"Wait what-" Next thing I knew, he was dragging me out of there, tying my hands rather quickly using some web. Damn this stuff is sticky and strong.


"My Queen." The spider holding me called out as he opened the door. Everyone in the room faced the two of us. The Spider Queen and the two other spider demons. One was big and strong, quite muscular, while the other one was the closest to being human out of the spiders, and he had... green hair??

Then there was a girl. The only human one there. Just her stare sent shivers down my spine.

"I found this person trapped in one of your webs."

"Let me go you bastard!"

"Language, darling!"

"Silence." The queen commanded from both of us.

"Now who is this person?~"

"Not sure, but I know this is one of the few who managed to survive the spider droids."

That seemed to catch the attention of the green haired hybrid guy.

"Oh... such a shame." She spoke in such a condescending tone.

"Well... I see no use from them, so maybe they can be my late night snack?" She cackled.

"Oh HELL no!" I yelled. "I am NOT spider food!"

Spider Queen walked closer to me, cupping my face.

"Aren't you just adorable? Hmhm..."


The voice rang out from the only other female in the room. And the only other human. This girl gives me so many bad vibes...

"What now, Miss Mystery?" The queen hissed.

"I believe she can be of use. It doesn't hurt to have a few more in your empire." The girl seemingly never smiled. Only kept her chilling tone.

"After all, you only have three spider people at you disposal. And thats.... not enough."

"Hey!" The bigger spider called out.

"Hush child. The adults are talking." The queen said, the strong spider backing down immediately.

"You may have had all those servants, but what's to saw we don't infect one more? After all..."

She pulled out a small spider droid from behind her.

"We do have one more without the cured venom."

"Where did you-?" The green haired spider spoke out.

"I found it within the remnants of the failed attack."

The spider queen chuckled, finding this idea entertaining.

"Go on..."

"Even if this person isn't of the proper build for battle, they could still be of great use."

"What?! I don't wanna become a spider!" I yelled out.

"Can one of you shut them up?" The spider queen motioned to me. I was about to yell when the spider holding me back covered my mouth.

I wasn't focusing on what was happening, it was all fuzzy.

I just remembered the last thing that happened was the spider droid skittered over to me.

It tackled me, knocking me over onto the spider behind me.

And then, everything went black.


And then I woke up. In a lab. With the green haired spider hovered over me.



I planned this at school this morning but then my dumbass forgot the details of it sooo


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