Nightmares and Vitals.

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I sat up, gasping from air after waking up from the nightmare.

I groaned, remembering where I was. I stepped out of the room, carefully looking around. Is it even daytime? Who fucking knows?!

I explored a bit, stumbling into a lab. A very familiar one. I saw the tech spider, messing with something on his desk.

"What are you doing?"

He flinched slightly from my voice, but he responded monotonous.

"I'm working on a device, now leave me alone. Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"Well, it's hard to fucking tell when is day or night down here."

"......touche. Well, go back to sleep, it's 2 in the morning."

"What about you?" I asked curiously.

"I have coffee. Now LEAVE. And go back to sleep." He stated, sternly raising his voice.

I rubbed my arm awkwardly, letting in a sharp inhale that one usually makes when in pain.

"Ah... you see.... I sort of can't."

"Why?" He flipped around in his chair, lifting up his visor. I need to ask what that does exactly...

"I.... had a nightmare."


For a while.

Before Syntax let out an almost silent sigh.

"I'm surrounded by idiots." He groaned. "So you can't sleep if you have a nightmare like some kind of child?"

...I hesitantly nodded.

He groaned again before just flipping back around in his chair.

I stood there awkwardly. The memories flooded back, and I shook slightly.

"....tell me about it."


Syntax stood up, grabbed some things from a nearby cabinet, and came over to me.

"Your nightmare. Ill run your vitals to make sure you are doing okay. Now tell me about it."

He sure as hell wasn't a doctor.

But hey.

After a while, Syntax finished up the vital work as I ended my story.

"Hm... so is this a reoccurring nightmare or some sort of memory?"


"" I didn't want to tell him the truth.

"Oh, so this is new... interesting... well, if you have any more nightmares, tell me about them."

"Why are you being so nice??"

"T..that's not your business. Now leave and go back to sleep. I'll wake you up at 8."

"Fine smarty pants."

I got up and left, returning to my room.


"She is quite interesting, huh Syntax?"

A small girl emerged from the shadows, blue patches covering her skin as she lifted the mask from her face.

"Not you..."

"What? Don't wanna see my precious face?"

"No, Ash, it's the fact that you like to invade my damn dreams. I don't even know why Mayor keeps you around."

"He's my father, why wouldn't he?"

"He's not-.... never mind."

Silence between the spider demon and the bone demon.

" like Y/N, don't you Syntax?" She gave him the most smug and meme smile ever.




I know it's short but I was in a rush to finish this before heading to school where the internet won't let me upload this so YE

Please don't kill me in my sleep 👍

Also I'm contemplating writing a short story about Jasper and Lapis from Steven Universe, should I? (I don't ship them, I just had an idea. Might be like three chapters long.)

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